Sustainability Course Repository

ACCT-5125 : Intermediate Accounting III

Accounting | Albers School of Business | GR

The intermediate financial accounting courses are designed to prepare the student for a career in professional accounting.  Upon conclusion of the sequence the student should: (1) understand the issues involved in accounting policy choice; (2) understand the process and the conceptual framework according to which accounting standards are set in the United States as well as internationally; (3) have in-depth knowledge of accounting for transaction, events and adjustment affecting assets, liabilit...

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  • LSAP Goal 3 Ecological Economics
  • 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

ACCT-5385 : Corporate Governance

Accounting | Albers School of Business | GR

The objective of this course is to develop an integrated knowledge of the corporate governance mosaic, which aims to balance managerial autonomy and corporate accountability. This course introduces students to the responsibilities of and interactions among key governance actors, including shareholders, board of directors and its subcommittees, managers, external and internal auditors, the capital markets, and the broader regulatory environment. Topics will be addressed using current readings, te...

Read more about ACCT-5385 : Corporate Governance

  • LSAP Goal 3 Ecological Economics
  • 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

ADVC-330 : Social Impact Advocacy

Law: Advocacy | School of Law | LW

Despite a century or more of seemingly monumental legal reforms (such as Brown v. Board of Education outlawing school segregation along color lines) and social changes, everyday headlines make plain that the U.S. constitutional commitment to "Equal Justice Under Law" remains illusory for many persons, and for some entire groups. When examined from a systems analysis, current events reveal the "systemic" and interconnected nature of a variety of daunting and seemingly intractable legal and social...

Read more about ADVC-330 : Social Impact Advocacy

  • LSAP Goal 1 Response to the Cry of the Earth
  • LSAP Goal 2 Response to the Cry of the Poor
  • LSAP Goal 3 Ecological Economics
  • LSAP Goal 4 Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles
  • LSAP Goal 5 Ecological Education
  • LSAP Goal 6 Ecological Spirituality
  • LSAP Goal 7 Community Resilience and Empowerment
  • Laudato Si' Action Plan Goals
  • 1 No Poverty
  • 2 Zero Hunger
  • 3 Good Health and Well Being
  • 4 Quality Education
  • 5 Gender Equality
  • 6 Clean Water and Sanitation
  • 7 Affordable and Clean Energy
  • 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 12 Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 13 Climate Action
  • 14 Life Below Water
  • 15 Life on Land
  • 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
  • 17 Partnerships for the Goals
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Logo

ANTH-2160 : Human Origins

Anthropology | College of Arts and Sciences | UG

What is the origin of humans and what sets us apart from other primates? Humans have pondered this for countless generations. The answers are at the core of anthropological inquiry. In this course, we will explore biological and archaeological evidence of human origins. This hands-on, activity focused course provides students with a framework for thinking critically about human origins, the relationship between biology and culture, and a deeper understanding of the diversity of human nature.

Read more about ANTH-2160 : Human Origins

  • LSAP Goal 1 Response to the Cry of the Earth
  • LSAP Goal 7 Community Resilience and Empowerment
  • 13 Climate Action
  • 14 Life Below Water
  • 15 Life on Land

ANTH-3420 : Indigenous Religions

Anthropology | College of Arts and Sciences | UG

This course is an introduction to Native American religions and spirituality. It focuses on the development of rituals and beliefs, including myths and stories and how they are integrated into organized traditions, sacred spaces and social-political structures. The course will examine prehistorical to historical developments, with particular interest in contemporary issues of Indigenous rights and efforts at renewal. Regional as well as particular Indigenous practices will be studied.

Read more about ANTH-3420 : Indigenous Religions

  • LSAP Goal 1 Response to the Cry of the Earth
  • LSAP Goal 2 Response to the Cry of the Poor
  • LSAP Goal 6 Ecological Spirituality
  • LSAP Goal 7 Community Resilience and Empowerment
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • 14 Life Below Water
  • 15 Life on Land
  • 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions