PUBA-2150 : Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector

Public Affairs | College of Arts and Sciences | UG

  • LSAP Goal 2 Response to the Cry of the Poor
  • LSAP Goal 7 Community Resilience and Empowerment
  • 10 Reduced Inequalities
  • 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

About this Course

Offers an introduction to the nonprofit and voluntary sector and provides a foundation to understand the purpose of nonprofit organizations, their function in civil society, and what distinguishes the sector from government and business. Students will explore the meaning of mission, vision, and organizing principles of nonprofit organizations; the history and development of nonprofit organizations in the United States; the theories used to explain and study the sector; and the role of philanthropy, voluntary service, and voluntary association in shaping civil society. Students will identify and study current issues and trends facing the nonprofit sector and how to address them.  May include a service learning component. May be applied toward the Nonprofit Management concentration.