Political Activity & Demonstrations

Red Umbrella Parade
  1. Planning a Campus Demonstration

    Planning a demonstration on campus? Your first step is to contact the Center for Student Involvement staff to talk through your plans and officially register your demonstration. To help, the quick guide on Demonstrations (on the right) provides a general overview. On this site, you will also see a compilation of resources on activism that provides helpful advice, tactics, and ways to make sure your message is not lost in the demonstration.

    All policies regarding freedom of expression, demonstrations, political activity, political candidates on campus, etc. are located on the Dean of Students website under "Other University Policies." Student clubs and organizations should refer to this policy when planning these types of events and activities on campus.

    For advice, consultation, and support, please see the staff in the Center for Student Involvement and the Office of the Dean of Students.


  2. Activism Resources

    Campus protests have been a part of the fabric of higher education for many years and are part of a process to voice concerns, address needs, and advocate for the needs of students and society at large. Protests represent one piece to organizing around change on a college campus and while the most visible, often is the culmination of many hours of work for student organizers.

    Whether you’re contemplating participating in a demonstration or well-versed in protest experiences, we want to provide some helpful tools to help make the most of your experience. Below is a list of resources for you to use for demonstration planning/participation on and off campus.

    Learning More About Activism and Advocacy

    If you're new to activism on a college campus, these articles may be helpful to determine how best to make change at Seattle University.

    What is Activism? (Permanent Culture Now)

    Why Being a Student Activist is More Than Just Being Mad about Something (Huffington Post)

    Campus Organizing Guide for Social Justice Groups (Campus Activism)

    Ten Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Response Guide (SPLC)

    The Election Effect (documentary series)

    Campus Decision Making and Resources

    Learning more about how decisions are made at Seattle University is an important aspect of advocacy. Below are a few links to resources on campus that may help you understand more about the inner workings and management of SU.

    SU Institutional Governance Structure

    Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion

    Office of Institutional Equity

    Student Government of Seattle University (undergraduate student government)

    Graduate Student Council (graduate student government)

    Campus Activism and Social Justice Clubs (ConnectSU)

    Planning an On-Campus Demonstration

    "If you are interested in planning a demonstration, please visit Supporting Demonstrations on Campus for more information."

    How to Organize an Effective, Safe, and Peaceful Protest (Medium)

    The Art of Protesting: How to Organize a Protest that Brings Results (Huffington Post)

    Planning/Attending an Off-Campus Demonstration

    City of Seattle Special Events Office for planning and implementing a demonstration in Seattle

    Wellness Resources

    Tips for Safe Protests

    Counseling And Psychological Services(CAPS) located in Pavillion 120

    Campus Ministry located in Student Center 120

    Wellness and Health Promotion located in Student Center 380

    Other Resources

    Check with your academic department to see which classes you can take to learn more about activism, advocacy, social justice, equity, inclusion, etc. and how your voice can make a difference.

Contact Us

Center for Student Involvement

901 12th Avenue #222000
Seattle, WA 98122