Degrees and Requirements

Three Degree Options

Social Work Major

70 credits including the 450-hour field practicum

Academic Progression in Social Work

Students enter the social work major as degree candidates (SOCW.CAND). During candidacy, students must enroll in the foundation courses SOCW 1510 Introduction to Social Work and SOCW 2010 Social Justice and earn a “C” or higher. Students internally apply to advance in the major during fall of their junior year. For more information, contact the program's administrative assistant.

Social Welfare Minor

31 to 33 Credits

Social Work With Honors

10 Credits

The Social Work Honors degree offers an opportunity for motivated and capable students to engage in more extensive interaction with faculty to complete an individual research project that will further their personal and professional goals. Eligibility to apply requires a cumulative and major grade point average of 3.5 or higher.  Students apply during the spring quarter of their  junior year. Students must receive an A or A- in the final course, SOCW 4790 Honors: Thesis Supervision to be awarded the degree.

Contact Us

  • Amelia Seraphia Derr, MSW, PhD

    Amelia Seraphia Derr, MSW, PhD

    Director, Bachelor of Social Work

    Associate Professor


  • Gabriela A. Hyre. MSW

    Field Director, Social Work

    Assistant Clinical Professor, Social Work

  • Anna McCain

    Anna McCain

    Administrative Assistant, Social Work Department
