Definitions of Mission and Vision Statements

Mission Statement

The Albers School develops exceptional business leaders who are values-driven and committed to advancing the common good.

Exceptional Business Leaders - Exceptional leaders are polished and have the technical skills to succeed. They are humble, trusted, and lead effectively to serve others, their organization, and society.

Values Driven - To be values driven means to embrace certain core principles starting with the Albers shared values of honesty and integrity. It means believing in the dignity and inalienable worth of all people and treating people with respect and enabling them to achieve their potential.

Common Good - The Common Good is "the sum total of social conditions which allow people, either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily."

Vision Statement

Albers graduates are highly valued by society, our faculty produce research with impact, and our community is a champion for social justice.

Graduates are highly valued by society - This means employers or academic programs will be anxious to attract Albers students. Organizations will utilize the services of our career center in order to provide jobs and internships to our students. Other academic institutions will recognize the value of an Albers degree and actively recruit our students into their programs. It also means that our students are highly respected by their communities for their ethics and integrity, service to society, and support of the Common Good.

Research with Impact - Impact is about the difference made or innovations fostered by faculty intellectual contributions, in terms of organizational practice (business, non-profits, or government) or educational practice. It means what has changed, been accomplished, or improved as a result of faculty scholarship.

Our community - This refers to students, alumni, faculty, staff, and other supporters such as donors, mentors, and advisory board members.

Social Justice - Social Justice is that aspect of justice (the right ordering of relationships) that refers to society as the seat for pursuit of the common good (community). It exists when each person - particularly those living in poverty or on the margins of society - has access to what she or he needs to survive, to develop her or his human potential, and to participate in and give back to the community. It recognizes the right of each person to share in the goods of this earth to that extent, as well as each person's responsibility to use those goods in a sustainable manner. These rights and responsibilities apply to present and future generations.