
Laura Molesworth

Job Title: Manager, Marketing Analytics
Company: Expedia Group
Industry: Technolog/Travel
Mentor Since: Fall 2023
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

I manage a team of 4 analysts who work on understanding the impact of and optimizing paid app marketing. If you see an ad from Expedia Group that prompts you to download one of our apps, my team works on measuring and optimizing that advertising; it might even be a part of a test we are running! We provide analytical support and business expertise to the marketing organization, identify opportunities for growth, and support Expedia Group's goal of becoming an app-first company.

Company Description

Travel is a force for good, and we are a force for travel. At Expedia Group, we believe travel can bring good into the world, and so our mission is to power global travel for everyone, everywhere.

Employment History

Liberty Mutual Insurance (2016-2018) Expedia Group (2018 - present)


Seattle University Class of 2016 BABA Finance & Economics Magna Cum Laude

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

- Help undergrad/early career students identify their career goals and desires - Connect early career/undergrad students with opportunities at Expedia Group, particularly in analytics

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Afternoons or evenings during the week - happy to do in person or virtual