700 - Compensation

701 - Salary Setting/Extending a Job Offer

The hiring manager must consult with Human Resources after the search has been completed but before an offer is made to ensure adherence to applicable University policies, salary practices and federal laws. HR coordinates the job offer with the hiring manager or their designee, arranges a start date, and may present an overview of benefits and other related employment items. HR advises the hiring manager or their designee of the appropriate pay for the selected candidate. The salary HR proposes will take into account the candidate's skills and qualifications and will reflect the external market and internal equity, as well as the budgeted salary dollars for the position.

702 - Pay Period and Time Reporting for Exempt Employees

Exempt employees report absences such as sick leave, vacation, or other absences, including time without pay on an exception basis to their department head or area Vice President. The department head or area Vice President verifies and signs the time report and forwards it to the Payroll Office in accordance with the procedure the Payroll Office establishes from time to time.

703 - Pay Period and Time Sheets for Non-Exempt Employees

To ensure compliance with applicable laws, non-exempt employees must keep a record of all hours worked and any sick leave, vacation, or other absences, including time without pay. Non-exempt employees are paid twice a month. Both the employee and their supervisor sign the time sheet, which is then submitted to the Payroll Office. The Payroll Office determines the days of the month on which the time sheets are due.

704 - Payroll Advances

Employees with financial hardship, or whose paycheck would be issued during a scheduled vacation, can occasionally request an advance on their paycheck. The employee is eligible to request an advance equal only to the actual number of days worked in the current pay period. Payroll advances are limited to two times per year. Forms are available in HR.

705 - Classifying New Positions

Once there is budget approval for a new position, HR works with the department head or their designee to determine the appropriate job classification and job title.

706 - Job Classification

Positions at the University are assigned to job classifications based on scope of responsibilities, market comparability, and other significant job factors. Job responsibilities and other job factors are described in the position description. The University maintains written position descriptions that are periodically updated as duties and responsibilities change. The position descriptions are available for review on a request basis.

707 - Reclassifying Existing Staff Positions

If an employee's job responsibilities have increased or decreased significantly, HR will work with the department head or their designee to determine whether a reclassification is warranted and, if so, the appropriate new classification. Requests for classification review are submitted by the department head to the area Vice President or Provost and then to HR.

708 - Reclassification/Rate of Compensation

If an existing staff position is reclassified, the HR will inform affected employees of any changes in the rate or method of compensation.