Life of St. Ignatius

Orientation Session 1

Introduction to St. Ignatius Loyola

Welcome to part 1 of a series of on-line orientation sessions providing a brief overview of Jesuit heritage and education. Each section includes a short video, selected readings, and reflection questions. Before beginning the video or biography, you may want to take a moment to review and reflect on the questions at the bottom of this page. As you go through each session the reflection questions will help to frame and deepen your understanding of Jesuit heritage and education.


A brief biography of St. Ignatius by George Traub, SJ and Debra Mooney, Ph.D. is A Biography of St Ignatius in PDF format, or online at Xavier University. Within the biography are hyperlinks to access the Glossary of Jesuit Terms provided by Xavier.


 Life of Ignatius, adapted from Xavier University’s Trustee orientation, text written by George Traub, S.J. and Debra  Mooney, Ph.D., and revised by Peter B. Ely, S.J., video narrated by Peter B. Ely, S.J.


Reflection Questions:

  • What experiences in St. Ignatius's early life helped him to be the leader that he was in the last 16 years of his life?  
  • What are some key events (i.e., circumstance, decision, coincidences) in my life that have led me to be the leader that I am today? 
  • What life circumstances, leadership qualities, and/or governance styles do I have in common with St. Ignatius?  
  • Why did I accept the invitation to serve in the role I have at Seattle University today?