People of SU / Society, Justice and Law

Elizabeth Dale authors report on women and philanthropy

August 7, 2019

Elizabeth Dale's new report

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Elizabeth Dale, assistant professor in Nonprofit Leadership, is lead researcher and author of a report “All in for Women and Girls.” The report explores the unique role high-net-worth donors to women’s funds and foundations play in catalyzing support for women’s and girls’ causes. 

“This is the first report to look at the intersection of high-net-worth donors, giving to women and girls, and women’s funds and foundations,” said Dale, in a news release announcing the report. “It finds that women’s fund and foundation donors give significant, substantial support for women’s and girls’ causes and bring a ‘gender lens’ to their philanthropy. We know that investing in women and girls leads to real and lasting change in communities–this research can help continue to drive funding for gender equity and provide a model for other identity-based causes.” 

Coverage of the report can be found at The Nonprofit Times.