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Research co-authored by SU students and Faculty Earn Research Journal Cover

Research published in PLOS Computational Biology

Photography by Image Credit: JosE9; Luis PeF1;a
December 10, 2021

Three Seattle University students and a faculty member co-authored a research paper published as the cover story in the Nov. 2021 PLOS Computational Biology Journal. The research paper, "Diverse processing underlying frequency integration in midbrain neurons of barn owl", was the work of students J.C. Gorman, O. Tufte, and A.V.R Miller, as well as Mathematics Prof. Brian Fischer.

The researchers investigated how neural connectivity and single-neuron computation may contribute to the emergence of spatial selectivity in auditory neurons in the barn owl's midbrain. They found that varied connectivity patterns and forms of single-neuron computation may underlie the emergent spatial selectivity in the barn owl's midbrain.

Visit the journal website to read the full research paper.