Air Flow - Venturi Meter

The Venturi meter demonstrator shows how fluid pressure is reduced when it flows through a constricted section of tubing. It uses Bernoullii's Principle, which states that air/fluid flows faster in the constricted section.

The meter itself used water (dyed in this case to show better).

When one blows into the tube (on the left), it creates a flow through the tube. In the middle where, the tube constricts, the air flows faster and the downward pressure on the water decreases. Before the constriction, pressure builds as air tries to force itself through the constricted section. After the constriction, the pressure is largely unaffected.

The Venturi meter demonstrator shows how fluid pressure is reduced when it flows through a constricted section of tubing. It uses Bernoullii's Principle, which states that air/fluid flows faster in the constricted section.

The meter itself used water (dyed in this case to show better).

When one blows into the tube (on the left), it creates a flow through the tube. In the middle where, the tube constricts, the air flows faster and the downward pressure on the water decreases. Before the constriction, pressure builds as air tries to force itself through the constricted section. After the constriction, the pressure is largely unaffected.