Who We Are

Mission Statement of SGSU:

The Student Government of Seattle University (SGSU) is the official governing body
of student representatives who are committed to advocating for the needs and
concerns of the undergraduate student community

Virtually every aspect of Seattle University is critically analyzed and addressed by a university committee. These groups––made up of faculty, staff, students, and administrators––meet and form initiatives to improve our campus, our education, and our student experience. An SGSU appointee on a university committee represents the student's voice and is responsible for corresponding with SGSU to ensure continuity between University initiatives and the student body.

Seattle University boasts about having a student body that is extremely involved, socially just, and politically active. And yet, in the process of “empowering leaders for a just and humane world”, we often overlook the responsibility we have to become involved on our own campus. If you are looking for an opportunity to become a leader on campus, please consider seeking a position on SGSU. As a member of SGSU, you will have the unique opportunity to represent your fellow students to the University. In addition to the networking benefits of being on SGSU, senators, and executive board members receive a scholarship for their work.

  • Executive Members, the Student Body President, a Senate Chair, two vice presidents, and a Chief Financial Officer.
  • Senators, those elected to represent a particular constituent group, such as a class.
  • Staff, those hired by the Student Body President and the respective Executive member.

Additionally, SGSU is advised by a team of dedicated and passionate Seattle University staff and graduate coordinator.