

If you have an audio file that you would like to showcase on your website, you are able add the "Audio" content type to your website. 

This content type contains a title, description, the audio file (which can be played directly in the browser) and a built-in, standard set of audio controls. You can see examples of this content type located in Zones A and B displayed on this page, but you are able to add this content type to Zones A, B, or C.

Available in zones:

  • Zone A
  • Zone B
  • Zone C


  • Available to all content editors

When to use it

Before utilizing this content type, ask yourself:

  • Is the audio file appropriate and relevant to the page content?
  • Does the audio file add context, meaning or otherwise support the page text?

How to use it

Navigate to the section where you wish to add the audio content item. Click "Create content" then select the "Audio" content type. 

Screenshot of the v9 audio content type

Required fields

There are five required fields in this content type:Screen shot of how to select a zone option in your content item in V9

  • Name
    • The text in this field is for internal, informational purposes only, and appears in the list of 'content in this section.'
  • Zone Option
    • In this field, select which zone you want this content item to appear on your page.
  • Title
    • The text in this field becomes the large title text for your audio content item.
  • Description
    • The text in this field becomes the small description text below the title.
  • Audio file (.mp3)
    • To upload an audio file to this content item, click the "select media" button, which will open the Media Library, where you can navigate through the Media Library folders to the location of your audio file.

Optional fields

  • Transcript file (required for accessibility if your audio file contains speech)
    • In this field, you'll upload a file from the Media Library containing the transcript of your audio file.

Additional things to consider

Permission and Copyright law

Did you create this audio recording? Is this audio recording copyright protected? Do you have permission to use this audio recording?

All web content must comply with the Seattle University Copyright Guidelines. Text, images and videos, and other media files, that do not meet these requirements must be deleted immediately.

In cases where copyrighted material is posted with the permission of the content owner, that permission must be attained in writing and be available for verification if needed.


You need to be sure your content is as accessible to all users as possible. 

  • If this audio file contains speech and is providing important content to your users, then you must provide a transcript of the audio file for users that cannot hear or hear well.
  • When you upload the audio file to the Media Library be sure to provide a detailed description of the file in the Description field for users navigating your site with a screen reader.
  • Find out more about how to make your web content more accessible.

Example of "Audio" in Zone A

Description: "A Storm at Eileen Mor" by Jon Luc Hefferman (from

Example of "Audio in Zone B"

Description: "Curious" by Jon Luc Hefferman (from