Education Abroad Academic Advising

We are dedicated to facilitating early and thorough planning concerning academic pursuits abroad and degree progression for College of Nursing students. Throughout this planning process, Education Abroad Advisors guide you in establishing academic objectives and exploring how studying abroad can help achieve these goals.

Students and faculty standing in front of Hospital Regional de Occidente during a study abroad course

Resources for College of Nursing

Seattle University offers a diverse range of SU-Sponsored, SU-Exchange, and Faculty-Led programs around the world. This guide outlines recommended courses for consideration during international study. As students take an active role in their academic journey, we offer comprehensive resources for academic planning and encourage collaboration with their Academic Advisors to explore and select the most suitable options for their abroad experience. Explore the full list of programs: Explore Programs!

Education Abroad & Academic Advising

An important supporter of the student experience abroad is the academic advisor. During the Exploration phase, students should discuss their desire to study abroad with their advisor to determine the best term for their experience, identify courses to complete abroad, and plan their remaining academic coursework to ensure timely degree completion. Additionally, students can review Seattle University's program requirements to identify which upper-level major courses they need to complete at the university.

When identifying courses to complete abroad, the EAO Historic Course Equivalency Search, can provide insight into courses that other students have previously taken. Although this list is not exhaustive, it can help students estimate the likelihood of similar courses being offered in the future.

Typically, Nursing Undergraduate Students go abroad during:

  • Summers

Students need to meet with their academic advisor to discuss their individualized academic degree plan to determine the best term to go abroad.

Typically, Nursing Graduate Students go abroad during:

  • Summers

Typically, Diagnostic Ultrasound Undergraduate Students go abroad during:

  • Summers

Students need to meet with their academic advisor to discuss their individualized academic degree plan to determine the best term to go abroad.

Suggested Undergraduate Courses To Take Abroad

Typically, students will do a combination of University Core, Major, Minor, and/or General Electives. Long-term programs course load ranges from 3-5 courses, depending on the program. Planning early can allow students to save courses to allocate for the abroad experience while still being on track to completing degree requirements in a timely manner.

Seattle University’s Core Curriculum was constructed with study abroad in mind. Module III of the Core is called “Engaging the World.” View the  Guide to fulfilling UCOR requirements with Education Abroad Courses for more information on subjects that fall into the different UCOR Module III course umbrella. 

  • UCOR 3100 - Religion in a Global Context
  • UCOR 3400 - Humanities and Global Challenges
  • UCOR 3600 - Social Sciences and Global Challenges

*Detailed planning will have to be planned out for smooth course sequencing upon return. Students are able to go abroad during Fall Semester to complete the first courses (ie. PHYS 1050 & PHYS 1051) abroad and return to SU to complete the series (PHYS 1060 & PHYS 1061), depending on the abroad program.

In the past, students in this major have been able to take the following courses abroad, this is not a comprehensive list of courses taken abroad and is subject to change. You will still have to meet with your Academic Advisor to go over your specific academic plan. 

  • PHYS 1050 Mechanics
  • PHYS 1051 Mechanics Lab

Occasionally, Nursing and Diagnostic Ultrasound Students may minor in a different field of study and would be able to focus their time abroad on completing requirements for their minor.

  • Minor Elective Courses

TIP: Plan Early!

To ensure a smooth study abroad experience, plan ahead. Most programs have one application deadline the year before your intended term. Discuss your interest with your Academic Advisor early to find the best term for your academic plan

Highlighted Programs

Consult the program's website for up-to-date course listings. All SU-Sponsored, SU-Exchange, and Non-SU courses taken abroad must be approved by Seattle University Academic Departments prior to going abroad. Contact Education Abroad Office for more information about costs and application steps.

Three nursing students in a classroom

Guatemala Nursing Immersion

Aligned with the Seattle University mission, the College of Nursing offers opportunities for global engagement to enhance professional formation with a global health care perspective focused on the social determinants of health to better care for an ever-changing global population.

Have Questions?

Kirsti advises College of Nursing Students

Kirsti Ruud


Smiling woman