
Brian Ladyman

Job Title: Managing Director
Company: Slalom Consulting
Industry: Consulting
Mentor Since: Fall 2018
Will Mentor: Undergraduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Managing Director in our Seattle office.

Company Description

We help people and organizations dream bigger, move faster, and build better tomorrows for all.

Employment History

Over 20 years of strategy and marketing experience. Broad spectrum of experience includes digital marketing, marketing strategy, branding, demand generation, CRM, etc. A wide variety experiences across multiple industries such as tech, advertising and consulting.


BS from Pepperdine University, MBA from Tuck School at Dartmouth

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I'm pretty focused on whatever the students what to work on -- although I will provide other thoughts as we interact and I learn more about them.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

A mixture of in-person and virtual. Typically 4 or 5 pm -- on campus or downtown Seattle