Fiona Chin

Fiona Chin

Job Title: Senior Vice President, Finance
Company: Walmart
Industry: Retail
Mentor Since: Fall 2023
Will Mentor: Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Finance lead for Walmart’s Chief Revenue Officer and Chief Marketing Officer to help Walmart leverage marketing and grow membership and alternate revenue streams.

Company Description

We are a people-led, tech-powered omni-retailer dedicated to helping people save money so they can live better.

Employment History

5 years at Walmart, 11 years at Amazon previously, and 4 years at Boeing before that.


SU Albers MBA and UW Finance Undergrad

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

As a mentor, I enjoy helping my mentees reach their full potential. I respect confidentiality and offer a safe environment to share. If you're looking for endorsement or sponsorship, I am NOT the right mentor for you. My mentees feel no pressure to impress me, I'd like to get to know you, reflect on experiences, bounce ideas, then hopefully celebrate your successes and be a gentle reminder that we grow from our failures too. I don't have all the answers and I hope to learn from you as much as you'll learn from me.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

100% virtual

Additional Information

I'm happily married to my incredible husband who is also an Albers alum. We both work full time and are busy parents to 2 awesome kiddos. I'm grateful my MBA experience at Albers led me to an amazing career. I'm looking forward to giving back and serving as a mentor in this program.