Jeremy Munn Headshot 2024.jpg

Jeremy Munn

Job Title: VP, Support & Success Operations (On Sabbatical)
Company: On Sabbatical
Industry: Technology
Mentor Since: Fall 2016
Will Mentor: Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

On Sabbatical

Employment History

Jeremy has over 20 years of experience at local technology companies including T-Mobile, DocuSign, Outreach, and Conversica. Over that time he has led large teams focused on Operations, Program Management, and Customer Support.


MBA from Seattle U.; BA in Business from UW

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

I enjoy getting to know my students to provide as much perspective as possible for career planning. Common themes with my students are: mock interviews, guest speaker events, and LinkedIn & resume optimization.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

In-person meetings only. Prefer to meet in the early evening on or near campus.

Additional Information

Lifelong Seattle-area resident. Enjoy travelling, outdoor activities, and sporting events with my son.