
JJ Ostlund

Job Title: Chief Technology Officer
Company: MetaTechX
Industry: Technology, Healthcare, E-Commerce, Avionics, Mobile, Education
Mentor Since: Fall 2003
Will Mentor: Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

CTO and Executive Leadership Advisor with emphasis on accelerated business growth and scale through the mastery product (customer), platform (technology), and people (talent).

Company Description

Technology and Leadership acceleration

Employment History

JJ enjoys an adventurous career where he started as an electrical engineer at Boeing and Honeywell and soon emerged in technology leadership roles at Microsoft, Amazon, and most recently as an executive at Expedia & Vrbo.com where he served as the CTO. With over 30 years of experience in Fortune 100 companies where he was responsible for massive high-scale business operations and leadership of 1000s of engineers, he was excited to recently transition back to his roots as technology entrepreneur and advisor. JJ is currently engaged in several venture & startup companies through his company MetaTechX.


Seattle University BSEE 1987, MBA 2005

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Student development and learning through interactive strategic discussions

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Hybrid (mix of in-person and virtual). On campus, or Coffee shop works.

Additional Information

JJ has always appreciated the opportunity serve the broader community and share insights with business leaders and emerging talent. He has served as a sponsor & mentor at several universities including Seattle University (Business & Engineering), University of Colorado - Boulder (Engineering), University of Texas – Austin (Computer & Data Science). JJ has also enjoyed many rewarding years serving as a youth basketball and soccer coach, where some of the best leadership insights have transpired.