
Matt Iseri

Job Title: President
Company: TokuSaklu
Industry: Technology Consulting
Mentor Since: Fall 2013
Will Mentor: Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Oversee strategic direction of both TokuSaku Consulting and Solutions

Company Description

TokuSaku Consulting is a management and technology consulting company dedicated to driving best-of-class solutions with innovative approaches. We partner with our clients to define strategies and develop customized solutions that execute missions and deliver results. Business Transformation | Project Leadership | Technology Solutions

Employment History

President & Owner, TokuSaku, 5 years Senior Project Manager, Microsoft, 4 years Program Manager, Washington Mutual, 2 years Senior Consultant, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, 2 years Project Analyst, Weyerhaeuser, 2 years Project Management Intern, Boeing, 1 year


BBA - Business (Pacific Lutheran University) BA - Economics (Pacific Lutheran University) MBA - Seattle University

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Assist mentees in their career development whether it be entrpreneurship, technology professions, corporate navigation etc.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

A mixture of in-person and virtual. We can set a monthly cadence based on the schedule that works for both mentors and mentees. I am flexible.