Nick Latta Profile Pix 2023.png

Nick Latta

Job Title: Franchisee
Company: Unishippers
Industry: transportation
Mentor Since: Fall 2023
Will Mentor: Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

As a franchisee i am responsible for growing my business through recruiting, training and continued development through new opportunities for sales reps. Additionally ensuring customers are paying within terms. Managing the business cash flow. Generating my own sales as well through referrals and onboarding new clients.

Company Description

Industry leading provider for small package shipping, full truckload shipping and everything in between

Employment History

Sales Rep. Sales manager. Franchise owner. See linkedIn


BA in Communications at Seattle U

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

Provide unique perspective on world of employment. talk about real world applications of degree and impart a level of practicality to their approach when building skills and searching for a job

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

Prefer in-person but can be flexible