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Paul Johnson

Job Title: VP of People & Culture and Chief Diversity Officer
Company: Seattle Symphony
Industry: Arts & Entertainment
Mentor Since: Fall 2022
Will Mentor: Graduate Students
Mentor Type: Albers


Job Description

Human Resources & Diversity

Company Description

The Seattle Symphony is an American orchestra based in Seattle, Washington. Since 1998, the orchestra is resided at Benaroya Hall. The orchestra also serves as the accompanying orchestra for the Seattle Opera.

Employment History

See LinkedIn profile

Mentoring Objectives & Scope

My objective in mentoring is to motivate and inspire others. I try to help students achieve their goals by establishing career and personal development plans. In my role as an HR leader, I’ve had an opportunity to provide coaching to employees at all levels within large and small organizations. Many of the tools utilized to support professional and career development in the workplace, can also be useful for students looking to achieve their goals. I also like to help students examine how various paths exist for achieving career, academic, and personal development. There is no singular route.

When and where do you hold meetings with your students?

A mixture of in-person and virtual. Monday through Thursday, between 9am-4pm, students can visit my office at Benaroya Hall in downtown Seattle. I can also occasionally meet on or near the Seattle U. campus. Zoom meetings are also fine.

Additional Information

I consider myself a non-conventional student, who struggled academically while attending undergraduate school. I’ve never been super scholarly, but I also have five degrees from five different universities, and I managed to work full-time while attending school, so I believe I’ve had an interesting journey and have something to offer to students who might struggle with balancing school, career, and other life priorities.