Profile Headshot

McLean Sloughter, PhD

Program Director, MSDS
Environmental Science Affiliate


Dr. Sloughter has a B.A. and a B.S. from Gonzaga University and a PhD. from the University of Washington. He has been on faculty at Seattle University since 2009.

Courses Taught

Frequently Taught Classes

  • MATH 1210: Statistics for Life Sciences
  • MATH 2310: Probability & Statistics for Sciences & Engineering
  • MATH 3412: Mathematical Statistics
  • MATH 5310: Probability for Engineering

Research Interests

  • Statistical Forecasting
  • Environmental Modeling
  • Renewable Energy
  • Math Pedagogy


  • Sloughter, J. M., Isakson, J., Shields, K., Salmon, M., Mak, Y. P.,  Schleicher, A. K., & Louie, H., 2016: Designing a Sustainable
    Business Plan for an Off-Grid Energy Kiosk in Chalokwa, Zambia. Proceedings of IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, Seattle, Washington, October 2016.
  • Carter, J., Helliwell, D., Henrich, A., Principe, M., & Sloughter, J.M., 2016: Oral assessments: Improving student success in
    calculus at Seattle University. PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, Vol. 26, Issue 2.
  • Egan, J. M., Sloughter, J. M., Cardoso, T., Trainor, P., Safford, H., Fournier, D., and Wenz, J., 2016: Multi-temporal ecological
     analysis of Jeffrey pine beetle population dynamics within the Lake Tahoe Basin. Population Ecology, 58: 441.
  • Henrich, A., Sloughter, J. M., Anderson, J., & Bahuaud, E., 2016: Addressing negative math attitudes with service-learning.
    PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, Vol. 26, issue 8. DOI: