Disability Services

We ensure equal access to courses, programs, and activities on campus through accommodations, testing, documentation, and housing options.

Welcome to Disability Services

Disability Services partners with the University community to recognize disability as a valued aspect of diversity and to embrace access as a significant component of social justice. The DS office facilitates equal access to courses, programs, and activities through campus leadership on disability access and inclusion issues. 
Appointments are available by Zoom or in-person and must be made in advance.

Contact Us:

  • Testing Center: (206) 398-4378
  • Accessible Media:  (206) 398-4116
  • Fax: (206) 296-5747

For students currently receiving accommodations through Disability Services.

myDS Login

Virtual Lobby

Join our Virtual Lobby to attend a Zoom meeting, make an appointment, or ask a drop-in question.

Available 9:00am - 3:00pm Mon-Fri

Students on campus in fall

Apply for Accommodations

For students requesting academic, housing, and/or meal plan accommodations for the first time at Seattle University.

Micro-Community Policing Plans and SPD.

Parents and Supporters

The first year of college is a significant time of transition for you and your student: there are increased responsibilities, opportunities, and challenges for students to embrace as they embark on this new journey. For many families it can be the first time your child is leaving home and moving toward independence, and it is bound to evoke exhilaration and some anxiety. 

DS Virtual Lobby

Join our Virtual Lobby to attend a Zoom meeting, make an appointment, or ask a drop-in question.


Available 9:00am-3:00pm Mon-Fri