Important Policies

Below are important policies for students to know when working with Disability Services.

The Space Needle seen at sunset from Kerry Park in the Queen Anne neighborhood of Seattle.

Below are important policies for students to know when working with Disability Services.

Appeals and Complaints

Students will be informed about and have an opportunity to discuss any changes made by Disability Services regarding their individual services. Students have the right to appeal all decisions. Appeal procedures are explained in Seattle University’ Section 504 ADA Policy and Appeal Procedure Handbook.

Academic Adjustments and Auxiliary Aids

Decisions regarding academic adjustments and auxiliary aids will be made on a case-by-case basis, considering the particular needs of the student, the demands of the situation and the essential nature of the activity or program. Decisions will be made using the criteria set forth in the Procedures for the Implementation of Academic Accommodations for students with disabilities.

Academic Adjustments and auxiliary aids cannot be approved that require a change in the essential requirements and/or nature of the course, curriculum, or activity involved or that create an undue financial or administrative burden.


Disability-related records will be kept in a lockable cabinet that is accessed only by the Disability Services staff. All disabilities-related information is protected by confidentiality regulations. See the Confidentiality of Disability-Related Records statement and E-Form located in myDS Student portal.

Disability Services staff may send notification of the student’s disability status to the designated administrator of the student’s school or college when necessary. The administrator will keep this information in a separate location, not adding it to the student’s official file. The designated administrator will release the information on a need to know basis only.

For students who don’t have an active myDS account, please complete the Release of Information form and email to Disability Services:

Emergency Cancellation of Testing at Disability Services

If no staff member is available and Disability Services must be temporarily closed due to an emergency, a staff member will record a message on the voice mail (206-296-5740) explaining the situation. The message will be updated as necessary during the day. All exams will be rescheduled as soon as possible.

In case of inclement weather or other emergency, contact Disability Services at or (206) 296-5740 to see if the office will be open at the regular times. Professors will be informed if Disability Services is not available and students will be asked to return to class. The professor can then decide whether to have the student take the test in an alternate location or postpone the test until Disability Services is reopened. Please see the Seattle University home page or the Public Safety Inclement Weather page. Information regarding closures may change and will be updated as often as possible.

Requirements for Documentation of Disabilities

In order to receive academic accommodations and services the student must have a documented disability as defined by state and federal regulations. The student provides professional documentation, which meets the criteria, set forth in Requirements for Documentation of Disabilities.

Additional Policies

Reasonable accommodations will be provided without cost to the student.

Students who are not able to travel independently to and from classes and campus buildings after orientation to the campus facilities must provide their own aide. (Please note that the university does not provide personal attendant care of any kind.)

For Additional Assistance

Visit us at our Disability Services Office at Loyola 100 (open Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm, except holidays)