Mission Priority Examen

The Mission Priority Examen (MPE) is a self-study and peer review process for reaffirming the Jesuit, Catholic mission of Jesuit colleges and universities in the AJCU.

Reflection pool image

About the Mission Priority Examen

“Seattle University is, without question, a thoroughly Jesuit and Catholic University. Swimming against a tide of increasing secularism and cynicism, the Seattle University community has worked hard to preserve its core mission. It has done so with a particularly Jesuit way of proceeding, with discernment, innovation, and ambition.” —2024 MPE Peer Visiting Team

The Mission Priority Examen (MPE) is a self-study and peer review process for reaffirming the Jesuit, Catholic mission of Jesuit colleges and universities in the AJCU. Our most recent MPE concluded in Fall 2024, and a new MPE process begins every seven years.

The MPE process integrates a centuries-old practice of Ignatian reflection known as the Examen with clear pathways for dialogue and mission growth.

By inviting colleagues at AJCU schools to support each other’s institutional self-reflection, and by linking the sponsorship of the Society of Jesus more intentionally to the mission of the college or university, the MPE fosters a more effective network of Jesuit higher education.

After expansive campus discussions, the MPE committee compiles a brief self-study and suggests two to four Jesuit Mission Priorities. The organizing document for self study is Characteristics of Jesuit Higher Education: A Guide for Mission Reflection.

A peer team of trusted AJCU colleagues visit the Seattle University campus to discuss and provide feedback on Mission Priorities. During this time, they engage with various campus constituencies.

Next, the Provincial of Jesuits West, the President of the AJCU and all the Provincial of the US and Canada review the Seattle University’s materials. These groups add their own endorsements before the package is sent to Rome. Finally, the Jesuit Superior General reviews all submitted materials, in order to reaffirm the school’s Jesuit, Catholic mission and provide guidance for its growth. 

Finally, Seattle University implements its Mission Priorities and connects them to its strategic plan and other key documents and projects.

Kevin Burke
Vice President for University Mission, Regis University

Xavier Cole
President, Loyola New Orleans

Tania Tetlow
President, Fordham University and Visiting Team Chair

Michael Kaufman
Dean, School of Law, Santa Clara University

Claire Noonan
Vice President for Mission Integration, Loyola Chicago

More About the MPE

“At an institution already showing remarkable creativity and intentionality in the work of formation, we encourage SU to keep blazing a path for the rest of us.”

MPE on the Redhawk Hub

Seattle University members can learn more about the MPE on the Redhawk Hub.

Steering Committee

Scroll through to see the MPE Steering Committee