2024 Mission Priority Examen

Information about our recent MPE visit.

Mission is our Priority

“We highly commend the University for the level of passion, creativity, and determination Seattle University’s community brings to the work of mission. Despite all of the competing claims for attention and resources, SU has made mission its priority.” —2024 MPE Peer Visiting Team

Mission Priorities

“The mission priorities elected at the conclusion of the examen are truly inspiring.”
—Arturo Sosa S.J. Superior General

Priority 1

Strengthen understanding and commitment to Seattle University’s Jesuit and Catholic educational mission (tied to RSD Goal 0 and woven throughout RSD)

  1. Develop a shared understanding of the Jesuit and Catholic educational mission of SU (with special attention to how this will inform the choices made in Goal 1: Reimagine and Revise Our Curriculum and tied to Universal Apostolic Preference “Accompanying young people in a hope-filled future”)
  2. Cultivate a more robust Ignatian Campus Culture (tied especially to RSD Goal 3: Enhance the Student Experience and to the Universal Apostolic Preference “Showing the way to God through the Spiritual Exercises and discernment”)
  3. Institutionalize/establish support for mission-conscious hiring, on-boarding, professional development and promotion for mission alignment (tied to RSD Goal 2: Strengthen Professional Formation for All and Goal 4: Promote Inclusive Excellence)
  4. Build capacity for the work of Mission Integration (attentive to Goal 5: Reposition for Growth)

Priority 2

Promote Inclusive Excellence as a Jesuit and Catholic Value (RSD Goals 1, 2 and 4)

  1. Develop initiatives that ground the Institutional Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion in Catholic intellectual traditions and Jesuit commitment to Justice (tied to the Universal Apostolic Preference “Walking with the excluded in a mission of reconciliation and justice”)
  2. Fully implement RSD Goal 1 – Revise and Reimagine our Curriculum
  3. Fully implement RSD Goal 4 – Promote Inclusive Excellence, which includes the LIFT SU Action Plan

Priority 3

Continue to advance and strengthen SU’s commitment to care for our common home as articulated in Seattle University’s Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) (tied to RSD Goals 0, 1 and 3 and tied to the Universal Apostolic Preference “Care for our common home”)

  1. Continue to develop and implement SU’s LSAP and its four main priorities:
    • (a) Integrate Integral Ecology Across the Curriculum and Research
    • (b) Achieve Climate Neutrality and Reduce Seattle University’s Environmental Footprint
    • (c) Practice Socially Responsible Consumption, Purchasing and Investment
    • (d) Develop a Sustainable Campus Climate and Deepen Community Engagement and Public Advocacy
  2. Deepen the connection between the institutional commitment to care for our common home and Catholic social thought
    • (a) Develop interdisciplinary and interdivisional initiatives that explore the category of integral ecology as expounded in Laudato Si’ and the Universal Apostolic Preference
    • (b) Support and expand student focused programming that links a Catholic theological vision of creation and ecospirituality with environmental justice and sustainability