Join the President’s Club
Seattle University’s President’s Club recognizes donors making leadership-level contributions to the university.
Deepen Your Engagement: Connect on a New Level
The President's Club honors alumni, parents and friends who demonstrate their commitment to Seattle University by contributing a total of $1,000 or more annually. In appreciation for your support as a member, you are offered deeper engagement opportunities with the university.
The Loyola family—ancestors of St. Ignatius—were known for sharing their abundance with the community and surrounding wilderness. Their crest, featuring two wolves eating from a hanging pot, commemorates this generosity. At Seattle University, we use this symbol to honor our most generous donors: President’s Club members.
Recognition Levels:
- President’s Club: Donors giving $1,000 or more annually.
- President’s Leadership Circle: Donors giving $5,000 or more annually.
- GOLD President’s Club: Graduates of the Last Decade giving $500 or more annually.
Along with additional benefits specific to each recognition level, all members receive:
- Deeper engagement with the university through enhanced communications and access, including:
- Special notes of gratitude from students, faculty or staff
- Invitation to members-only events and receptions
- Complimentary campus parking during events and meetings
- To arrange complimentary campus parking, please email Provide the date, timeframe for your visit, and license plate number in your request. Please request parking a minimum of 24 hours prior to your campus visit. A permit confirmation will be emailed to you.
Membership qualification is based on cumulative giving between January 1 and December 31. You may use multiple gifts to qualify, and gifts to all Seattle University funds as well as corporate matching gifts count toward your membership goal. Once qualification is reached, your membership will be active for the remainder of the calendar year (if you join in October - December, your membership will be valid through the end of the following calendar year).
Gifts of cash, check, credit/debit card, stock, pledge payments, corporate matching gifts and tax-deductible portions of event purchases and donations are used for qualifying purposes of membership.
President’s Club membership applies to both you and your spouse/partner. If you or your spouse/partner are a GOLD alum (Graduate of the Last Decade), your household may access the $500 GOLD President’s Club qualification level.
We're here For you
If you have questions about the President's Club or how to utilize your complimentary parking for a campus visit, event or meeting, you may contact a member of our President’s Club concierge team.
President's Club Concierge Team