Campus Partners and Resources

The Department of Public Safety works closely with departments across campus to provide the best possible care and resources for our community. Learn more about how we work with our campus partners below.

Red moving cart that says Housing and Residence Life

Housing and Residence Life (HRL)

We work closely with HRL to protect the well-being of resident students. DPS student employees work in residence halls during the night time hours as an additional resource for resident students. 

Girl holding large cross, back to camera

Campus Ministry

We often suggest students look to Campus Ministry when they need to speak with someone urgently for a range of different reasons. 

Overlooking the shoulder of a girl looking at a pamphlet for CAPS

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

We recommend CAPS to students who are wanting to speak with someone about their mental health concerns. 

TimelyCare logo


TimelyCare is a free service provided to all students. It is a telehealth resource with 24/7 access to virtual medical and mental health care. 


The MOSAIC Center

We work with the MOSAIC Center to assist students of many different backgrounds in getting the support they need and helping them find a community on campus. 

Close-up  of person wearing blue jacket with Facilities written on left chest and SU seal logo.


We work with Facilities to identify safety concerns on campus and aid in following all safety guidelines. We also serve as a bridge for students and spaces to receive the maintenance they need after-hours. 

We're here to help

Officer coverage 24/7

1313 E. Columbia Building

Business office: Mon-Thurs, 8:30am-4:00pm