Chairs and Professorships
Endowed Chairs and Professorships provide faculty members resources to expand the positive impact their research and scholarly endeavors can make.
Dr. Lester and Mary Ann Sauvage Endowed Professorship in Nursing
The Hope Heart Institute created an endowed a nursing professorship at Seattle University in 2006. The institute was founded in 1959 by Lester R. Sauvage, M.D., a world-renowned cardiovascular surgeon and research scientist. The Hope Heart Institute's mission is to serve humanity through cardiovascular research and education. They are dedicated to preventing and treating heart and blood vessel disease, and to improving the physical, emotional and spiritual quality of life for all at risk of – or affected by – cardiovascular disease. On November 18, 2015, the Professorship was renamed in honor of Dr. Lester and Mary Ann Sauvage, BSN '56, and the agreement was amended and broadened to focus on wellness, disease prevention, and health promotion to help individuals maintain heart health and reduce their risk for cardiac disease.
Premera Endowed Professor of Nursing in Health Promotion and Care Innovations
Premera Blue Cross created an endowed professorship in the CON in 2005. Premera’s mission is to provide their customers with peace of mind about their health care by providing innovative programs and services focused on wellness and prevention, disease management and patient safety. This professorship is intended for a nursing faculty member whose scholarship impacts primary health care, prevention, and innovations in care delivery.
N. Jean Bushman Endowed Chair in Nursing
Jean Bushman was a beloved faculty member in the College of Nursing and taught for 35 years before becoming faculty emeriti in 1995, and she was passionate about creating and supporting the first endowed chair for the college. Ms. Bushman encouraged colleagues, alumni and friends of the college to join her in accomplishing this goal. In 2005, the College of Nursing named its endowed chair the N. Jean Bushman Endowed Chair in Nursing in honor of Bushman's many contributions to nursing education and enduring support for the College of Nursing. The endowed chair supports a faculty member who is pursuing research, teaching and mentoring other College of Nursing faculty, with the end goal to strengthen the education and practice of nursing.
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Brigette Yates
Director of Development