Licensing Program FAQs
FAQs about the Seattle University licensing program.
To protect and promote the Seattle University brand—and to ensure the public can properly identify and associate the university’s name and logos—we work to establish officially licensed products bearing the university’s marks. For all campus departments, clubs and organizations: In order to produce products bearing the university marks, your vendor must be a licensee of Seattle University.
See the list below of Frequently Asked Questions about Seattle University licensing.
Licensing FAQs
A trademark is a word, name, phrase, symbol or any combination thereof that identifies and distinguishes goods or services of one party from those of others. A trademark is a brand name. Rights in trademarks arise as a result of the use of the marks in commerce to identify the source or origin of goods and services. In addition, a trademark remains the property of the owner so long as the owner continues to use it properly and protects its authenticity as a trademark.
Any mark, name, logo, symbol, nickname, abbreviation, word, mascot, slogan, uniform insignia or landmark that is associated with Seattle University and is distinguishable from any other Seattle University team or organization.
Any individual or company that wishes to receive Seattle University's express permission to use any or all of its trademarks/logos on products or for services sold in the marketplace, whether wholesale, retail or online. Other activities, such as some noncommercial use of trademarks/logos, may or may not need to be licensed. Some activity may constitute fair use or free speech so as not to require license. Advice in that regard should be sought from your own legal counsel.
A decision on any license request will depend on the nature and extent of the use being applied for, the number of trademarks involved, the number and diversity of products for which the trademark or trademarks will be used, and other possible factors, such as whether Seattle University believes there is a need to seek legal advice on the application. However, in most cases, an answer will be provided in 30 days or less.
Seattle University will not license activity which it believes would disparage Seattle University or any of its trademarks, or would be libelous, slanderous, scandalous, offensive, vulgar or constitute an unfair trade practice, or otherwise reflect negatively on Seattle University. Some activities may constitute fair use or free speech so as not to require a license. Advice in that regard should be sought from your own legal counsel.
You can obtain an application for a License Agreement directly from CLC Learfield IMG College. This application can be downloaded from their website at Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC).
Yes. All art designs must be submitted through the licensed vendor for approval.
Any use of Seattle University marks with other trademarks must be approved by the Seattle University Brand Director, or through a Seattle University contract.
The cost for a Standard License Agreement is:
- $250 non-refundable application fee and renewal of $100 each subsequent year.
- 12% royalty fee for Seattle University products.
The cost for an Internal Use License Agreement is:
$250 non-refundable application fee and renewal of $100 each subsequent year.
The Standard License is used by companies that desire to produce licensed products for resale to the general public.
The Internal Use License is used by companies that desire to only produce licensed products for internal consumption by Seattle University. No products produced under this license agreement may be sold to the general public.
Yes. Student organizations and Seattle University Departments must use a licensed vendor for the production of apparel or hard goods using university trademarks.
Yes. All items bearing Seattle University marks must be produced by a licensed vendor whether they are for resale or not.
Generally, items are subject to royalties. However, each request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Merchandise produced without authorization may be considered counterfeit or infringing and subject to all available legal remedies.
Any trademark that identifies or is associated with Seattle University may not be used without prior, expressed, written permission from Marketing Communications.
Typically, the review process is two to five Seattle University business days. Each request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis to ensure compliance with Seattle University policies.
A list of licensees can be obtained through Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC), the Seattle University Licensing Director or the Seattle University Licensing page.
No. At no time can Seattle University trademarks be altered. Altering a mark would hurt its integrity. This would dilute the strength and value of Seattle University's marks.
Seattle University is committed to upholding the principle and practice of institutional control in a manner consistent with the letter and the spirit of NCAA and Western Athletic Conference rules and regulations. We welcome and promote open lines of communication, and we place specific emphasis on providing relevant and understandable rules education. Our goal is to foster a culture of compliance within the Athletics, throughout campus, and amongst the broader university community.
With landmark changes across the intercollegiate landscape, the compliance team is continually working to evolve its understanding and application of NCAA rules to improve upon the student-athlete experience and to care for the whole person. No matter how simple the question, ask compliance, first.