Apply for a Sponsored Project


We're glad you are considering applying for a sponsored project and we look forward to supporting you throughout the process.
Please note: all proposals must be submitted within our OneAegis grant management system at least 10 business days prior to the sponsor deadline. Please review our Proposal Review and Deadline Policy. Please contact us early and often!


Steps for Applying

Below is an overview of the proposal process, and resources to help you get started with conceptualizing your project and developing your proposal. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the OSP for support at any stage of your project idea or proposal -

  • Sarah Bricknell, MBA, CRA; Associate Director supporting: ALB, CAS, CCE, COE, LAW
  • Kara Luckey, PhD; Associate Director supporting: CON, CSE
  • Jenna Isakson, MPA, CRA; Director supporting: institutional, student development, and non-academic proposals

Please contact OSP early and often for our review of the program requirements to determine the extent of internal review. 

OSP involvement and a Proposal Transmittal Form (PTF) is required for all full proposals to an external entity, when the potential award will be administered by Seattle University and/or the proposal is required to be submitted by the institution.

If the proposal is submitted by an individual AND the corresponding award will be made to the individual, it is not required to be submitted through OSP.

The PTF is also required for all letters of intent and pre-proposals ("pre-applications") when one or more of these is true:

  • the pre-application is required to be submitted by the Office of Sponsored Projects,
  • the pre-application requires an Authorized Official signature,
  • the pre-application has a line item budget,
  • the pre-application includes cost-share,
  • the project will include a request for a faculty course release or personnel time; or
  • the anticipated budget is over $50,000.

If a PTF is required at the pre-application stage, it will be required again at the full proposal stage if any significant changes have occurred within the budget, personnel, or scope of the project.

If the pre-application does not meet any of the above qualifications, the PTF is only required at the full proposal stage. However, OSP must receive a final copy of the submitted pre-application.

If a letter of intent, pre-proposal, subaward commitment, or proposal is submitted without a PTF, and thus without institutional reviews and approvals, the University holds the right to decline the grant or contract if awarded. A PTF will be required after the fact for any proposal submitted without one.

The PTF and proposal package must be submitted in OneAegis 10 business days in advance of the sponsor deadline.

If you have already identified a funding opportunity to apply for, please move onto step 2.

If you are seeking a funding opportunity to support your project, please review our find funding page for resources to help identify a relevant funding opportunity. 

Submit a Notice of Intent to Apply as soon as you decide to pursue an opportunity, or directly email your OSP liaison:

Upon notification, your OSP liaison will review the required proposal components, discuss next steps, and provide resources to support your proposal effort.

OSP staff are available to discuss approaches to framing your project’s aims and activities in order to meet sponsor objectives, developing the project’s budget, providing feedback on narrative components (time permitting), and ensuring compliance with sponsor requirements and guidelines.

For proposals to private sponsors, OSP works alongside colleagues in the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations who support investigators in conceptualizing your project and developing your proposal.

Please take advantage of our Research Development and Proposal Development Resources below - and for a deeper dive of proposal resources, view our webinar recordings and toolkits on the Redhawk Hub.

The Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP) requires all proposals to be submitted in OneAegis by start of business (9am) 10-business days prior to the sponsor deadline. Your OSP Proposal Steward is happy to start this form for you.

This required review ensures your proposal meets all sponsor and institutional requirements, and best positions your proposal for success in the review process. Please review the complete Proposal Review and Deadline Policy.

Submit the proposal, celebrate your hard work and await a decision!

Once institutional approval is complete, the OSP team is available to assist with submitting the proposal as needed or required.

If awarded, OSP works with the investigator to negotiate the award and set-up the project for its eventual success.

Proposal are Due 10 days Ahead of Sponsor Deadline

Proposals are due in OneAegis via the PTF at least 10 business days prior to the sponsor's deadline.