Violence Prevention

Fountain with autumn trees in the background

Responding to Potentially Violent Student

**If you are concerned that a student is at imminent risk of harm to self or others, please call Public Safety at 206-296-5911 immediately**

The following can be indicators or "Red Flags" of potential violence:

  • Paranoia
  • Dramatic change in work or study habits
  • Decline in personal grooming
  • Deterioration in social relationships
  • Impulse control problems
  • Argumentative; talks about revenge or vengeance
  • Grandiose; always has to be right
  • Psychotic, delusional
  • Emotional expression that doesn't match context
  • Highly disruptive behavior (hostility, aggression, etc.)
  • Strange or bizarre behavior indicating a loss of contact with reality
  • Suicidal or other self-destructive thoughts or actions: direct or indirect verbal or in written materials (assignments, journals, emails, etc.)


  • Assess your level of safety. If you believe that a student is at imminent risk of harm to self or others, contact Public Safety immediately at 206-296-5911.  You are not expected to engage with a student who is making you feel unsafe in any way.
  • Ask the student to leave the classroom so that you may speak away from the other students. Remain in an open area with a visible means of escape.
  • Remain calm to avoid further escalation.
  • Explain to the student the behaviors that are unacceptable. Be respectful, but set clear and firm limits: "I see that you are upset. For us to have a conversation, I need you to…" Be clear and precise in the words you use. Acknowledge the student's feelings when appropriate; be reassuring.
  • Be patient and listen carefully to find out whether the student understands what you are saying. You may have to repeat yourself.
  • Be concrete. Try to identify a specific issue and suggest something that can be done to address it. For example, you may suggest that the student accompany you to Counseling & Psychological Services (Pavilion 120).
  • Use a time-out strategy (i.e. ask the student to reschedule a meeting with you once they have calmed down).

Refer the student to the CARE Team for further support.

  • Staying in a situation in which you feel unsafe.
  • Meeting alone with the student.
  • Engaging in a screaming match or behaving in other ways that escalate the situation.
  • Ignoring signs that the student's anger is escalating.
  • Crowding the student; observe their sense of personal space.
  • Treating the student with hostility or condescension.
  • Criticizing the student.
  • Making sudden movements.

Do Not:

  • Touch the student.
  • Slouch, glare, or sigh at the student.
  • Make threats or ultimatums.