
Get valuable mentorship and experience, sharpen your technical skills and reinforce concepts learned in the classroom.

Seattle University has decades of partnership with technology powerhouses throughout the Puget Sound region. Our students routinely obtain internships at these companies, supporting their career development, offering mentorship, gaining valuable hands-on knowledge and experience, sharpening their technical skills and reinforcing concepts learned in the classroom.

The university Career Services office supports students in career exploration and advising, resume and cover letter review, mock interviews, and internships and job searches. Every quarter they offer career and internship fairs that bring employers to campus to meet with students and conduct on-campus interviews.

The ACM student chapter sponsors on-campus tech and career talks with representatives from industry leaders to prepare students for applying to and succeeding in both their internship roles and the job hunting process.

Internship Credit

Once a student has secured an internship, they have the option of registering for credit. Please see the CSE Internship Guide Book for more information.


  • Registering for credit is optional unless you are an international student that is using Curricular Practical Training (CPT).
  • Internship credits do not satisfy any major requirements (undergraduate or graduate). Registering for internship credit is done manually. It requires the student to secure a computer science internship (offer letter is required) and to find a faculty member willing to serve as a faculty sponsor.


If you are interested in recruiting Seattle University talent, feel free to contact the Department of Computer Science at or the University Career Services office at