Seminar: Data Visualizations and Internationalization
Written by Wan Bae
Monday, May 1, 2023
Friday, May 26 at 3:40 PM PST in BANNAN 401 (refreshment at 3:20 PM)
Zoom Link: Click Here
Naomi Meyer, Software Engineer at Adobe
Building custom data visualizations with full international support is not always easy. As a Software Engineer on the globalization team at Adobe, Naomi has worked on adding new data visualization features and modifying legacy visualizations, for an international audience of users. It’s been a learning process to correctly format strings, numbers, dates, times, currencies, calendars, x/y axis, and more! In this talk, Naomi will share some of the useful techniques she's learned about customizing data visualizations for a global audience. With a focus on JavaScript, she will discuss high level ideas to keep in mind when designing, coding, testing, internationalizing, and localizing data visualizations for the world wide web!
Naomi works as a Software Development Engineer at Adobe on the Globalization, Core Services team where she leads internationalization and localization for Adobe products. She speaks at international software engineering conferences, contributes to open source, and volunteers teaching girls to code. Before coding full time, Naomi worked as a teacher across Asia and West Africa. She enjoys weekends outside with her dog - backcountry skiing, climbing, and mountaineering.
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Written by Wan Bae
Monday, May 1, 2023
Contact Listing
Wan Bae
Professor, Computer Science
Bannan Endowed Chair of Engineering