Alumni Blog

Creating Long-Lasting Connections

Posted by Eashudee (Hanna-Marie Lucero), ‘20 on September 30, 2020 at 11:09 AM PDT

A group of 6 people holding a sign that says Indigenous student clubMy name is Eashudee (Hanna-Marie Lucero) and I’m from the Pueblo of Isleta in New Mexico. I graduated from Seattle University in spring 2020 with a BA in Environmental Studies focusing on Urban Sustainability and a minor in biology. While on campus, I was very involved in clubs and different committees (including the Indigenous Student Association, Green Team and Earth Month committee) which allowed me to work with passionate staff, faculty, and peers to educate people on their waste practices while creating community for Indigenous peoples on campus. Being involved gave me the opportunity to network, which eventually led to my work study with the Indigenous Peoples Institute (IPI) on campus. When I graduated, IPI decided to keep me as the temporary administrative assistant which I’m eternally grateful for, as I’m able to give back to people that support me wholeheartedly while I apply to graduate school.  

The Seattle University Alumni Association hosts over 20 different regional chapters, affinity groups, and business alliances. By joining the Sustainability Coalition and starting the Indigenous Alumni group, I’m able to keep working on issues I'm passionate about with the people I met in my undergrad. Staying connected to the SU community is important to me – the work we’re doing on campus doesn’t stop once we graduate. Bettering ourselves, our practices, and our communities to make sure that all voices are heard, valued, and listened to is a continuing process that needs commitment. With the support of the Seattle University Alumni Association, alumni are able to support one another while we work towards creating a more sustainable, just and accepting world.

Being actively involved in the Alumni Association has helped me stay connected to my friends while also meeting new people who I didn’t know as a student. One alumna I recently met reached out to me after an alumni event to offer mentorship advice, which I gladly accepted. I wouldn’t have been able to take advantage of this opportunity if I wasn’t involved and connected. The Alumni Association not only helps people stay connected to SU – it allows us to reconnect with the SU community in new ways that we didn’t explore before, which is something that I wasn’t expecting but am grateful for! I am excited to continue to be an active participant in the Alumni Association because of their welcoming, supportive and wonderful staff who work hard to create space for alumni to continue to create community, which I think is something that all alumni should take advantage of.

Eashudee’s involvement in various alumni communities is a great example for alumni to participate in Our Moment for Mission: The President’s Challenge. Find our all the different alumni communities by visiting our website and completing our interest form so we can get you connected to a group today! If you have any specific alumni community questions, please feel free to contact Bianca Galam at

Our Moment for Mission: The President's Challenge

Posted by The Seattle University Alumni Association on September 30, 2020 at 11:09 AM PDT

Our Moment for Mission with a photo of two alumni standing in front of a treeIn the final year of The Campaign for the Uncommon Good and the last year in the tenure of President Stephen Sundborg, S.J., we are embarking on a critical point in our collective history. Our Moment for Mission: The President’s Challenge invites 10,000 alumni to come back to and engage with Seattle U before the end of the school year. Engaged alumni are a vital element to the success of our students and impact the future of our communities.

By showing your support at events, volunteering and donating, alumni help students make real-world connections and provide them the opportunity to explore their passions—igniting their potential. Your involvement in their educational experience shows them that you care and that they are part of a larger, lifelong community. The simple act of sharing your personal journey with a student can have a lasting impact on their personal and professional formation as they forge their own path as a future leader. 
Seattle University impacted you. Now is your chance to impact Seattle University. Today, you have the power to ensure that current and future students have the same purpose-driven, passion-fueled education and experiences that you did. Become one of the 10,000 alumni empowering the next generation of leaders for a just and humane world.   
Now is our time to bring our shared mission to life! Come back to Seattle U by connecting with alumni and students at events, volunteering as a mentor or classroom speaker or making a donation of any size to expand access to scholarships and resources.   
Our moment is now. Let’s build a better future for all.

Watch Our Moment for Mission: The President's Challenge Launch

Watch The President's Challenge with Shasti and DJ