Alumni Blog

BSU President Shares her SU Experience

Posted by Adilia Watson, ‘21 on September 2, 2020 at 4:09 PM PDT

A group photo of the Black Student UnionThe Black Student Union(BSU) is my source of hope at Seattle University. Since my first year, I have been frustrated with the microaggressions I've experienced on campus. One conversation that stuck with me happened my sophomore year. We were in a BSU meeting and addressed how our peers expect our input whenever the class discussion focuses on someone Black. BSU has been the only place I felt comfortable voicing this issue and knew people would truly understand.

Black Student Unions across the country have been a necessary resource for Black and African-American students, staff and faculty to find community. Black students frequently have to invest our time in spaces that aren't as pro-Black as the Black Student Union. Our club is a space for healing and authentic expression of the Black body. In the wake of Black Lives Matter protests and the recent murders of Black people, we found it vital to meet, heal and collaborate to make a change on our campus. In our recent Black community meetings, members had the freedom to express their struggles of being Black at a predominantly white institution and express their grief over the violence caused by systemic racism.

Black, Indigenous and People Of Color (BIPOC) students consistently overload themselves to establish better financial security to make ends meet. The inequities for Black students in colleges have been present for years and show up in enrollment, persistence and graduation data as stated in a recent Hechinger Report article. Black people have to work harder than our non-Black peers to succeed in our future careers. We have to work multiple jobs, join different clubs and are often required to work twice we hard as our white peers to reach similar standing.

Our club's initiatives have consistently centered the Black experience. As president, I initially felt guilty for asking for accommodations solely for Black students. Then, I realized that my role in BSU is to keep centering Black people and to advocate for resources, accommodations or supports that would not only increase, but improve the experience of Black students on campus. I'm passionate about leading the Black Student Union because there is much work to be done on this campus to make it a more just and equitable place for Black people and all people of color.

There are two ways alumni can support Black students on campus.

One way to support is through mentorship. We are working with the Career Engagement Office to be a part of the Black Alumni and Student Group on Redhawk Landing, the university’s new mentoring and networking platform. Alumni help us gain the experience and professional connections that we need before leaving campus. Many of us are registered for Redhawk Landing where we are excited to connect with alumni personally and professionally.

The second is donating to the first student-led, Black-serving scholarship at Seattle University. The Black Student Union Scholarship is intended to increase enrollment of Black and African-American students and help them persist and graduate with fewer financial concerns. Currently, we have raised over $16,000 for the fund. Most of the donations have come from students and parents. The fact that so many of our peers see us and are willing to support is awesome, but we still need help to fully-fund this initiative. Our fundraising goal is to reach $200,000 by February 1, 2021 so we are able to select at least 20 Black scholarship recipients in the spring. This amount would allow us to disperse scholarships to multiple students for years to come. This is a huge step towards making the university a more accessible environment for Black students and would highlight the Seattle U community's;commitment to supporting and uplifting marginalized students by helping to fund their education.

To make a donation to the BSU Scholarship, follow these steps.

  • Click here.
  • Select "other" under the designation.
  • Type in "Center for Student Involvement - BSU Scholarship" in the comments section.

Or you can send a check:

Make your check out to Seattle University.

Write "Center for Student Involvement - BSU Scholarship" on the memo line.

Mail your check to:
Seattle University
University Advancement
901 12th Ave.
PO Box 222000
Seattle, WA 98122

Reflecting on 23 Years at Seattle University

Posted by The Seattle University Alumni Association on September 2, 2020 at 4:09 PM PDT

a number of photos of President Sundborg during his time at Seattle UniversityA lot can change in one year, let alone 23 years. Stephen Sundborg, S.J. started serving as the president of Seattle University in 1997 and will retire in June 2021 after 24 years of leadership. President Sundborg has facilitated massive transformation of the university, including the physical expansion of campus and the evolution of our community’s mission and identity.

“I wish I had a photo of what Seattle University looked like from the air when I started and what it looks like now. People come now, from 23 years ago when I started and are amazed,” said Sundborg. Since the start of his time at Seattle U, President Sundborg has overseen the construction of 12 different buildings on campus. But, it’s not only physical changes that have been impacted by his influence, President Sundborg helped to focus the university’s efforts by sculpting and shaping our mission.

“We have really lived by and been committed to the mission. It’s the magnet that has kept us doing what we are doing, and the biggest transformation is having that mission and referring back to it.” The university’s commitment to “educating the whole person, to professional formation, and to empower leaders for a just and humane world” can be seen in how the university has embraced service. “Three quarters of the undergraduate students have a course that has a component that is service learning," said Sundborg, "Our education is more connected and applied to our community rather than simply learned in the classroom.”  

One person alone can’t implement all of this change. President Sundborg credits significant investments in the university, strong board leadership and being in the middle of a vibrant city that is on the cutting edge of technology. “We are Seattle University. The innovation of the city propels us forward,” said Sundborg. 

President Sundborg has drawn inspiration from his deep connections within the SU community. “I’ve already begun to miss relationships. I am going to miss students. I am going to miss being part of a team. Underneath the work, there is a love and an affection that grows. I am in this web of relationships with students, friends, administration and alumni. You take for granted that one day you might not be in that web anymore. I’ve already begun to feel it.”

As he reflects on the last two decades, President Sundborg can’t help but also be excited for Seattle University’s future. “I don’t know another university that has the potential of development that Seattle U has. To be the Jesuit, independent, private university, centered at the very heart of Seattle has an upside potential that is extraordinary.” According to President Sundborg, the core of Seattle U’s potential rests in the evolving education landscape coupled with the integration of new technology to help students prepare for the future. He goes on to state that fostering deeper and broader connections with Seattle and bringing relevant issues and content to students on campus will be pivotal in shaping the next chapter of Seattle U’s history.

So, what’s next for Fr. Steve? He’s looking forward to getting back to being a Jesuit Catholic priest in a more personal and pastoral manner. “I am 77 years old. Rather than Father Steve, I am Grandfather Steve to most undergraduates. There comes a time when you need to be recharged and find a non-administrative way of being a Jesuit Catholic priest.”

There will be many opportunities to hear from and engage with President Sundborg over the course of the school year. Most immediately, be on the look out for an invitation to the President's open forum on Thursday, September 24.