Alumni Blog

Care on the Frontlines: An Alumna's Expertise with COVID-19

Posted by The Seattle University Alumni Association on April 2, 2020 at 12:04 PM PDT

Naomi Diggs profile picture wearing her doctor's coat in her office with a bookshelf in the backgroundOn January 21, the Center for Disease Control announced that the first novel coronavirus (COVID-19) case in the U.S. was in Washington state. Since then, the state has identified quarantine locations, closed public schools and businesses, waived testing costs and most recently issued a Stay Home, Stay Healthy order that requires residents to stay home unless they need to pursue an essential activity. These efforts have been put in place to help flatten the curve of the virus and slow the rate of infection, and to give our hospitals and healthcare workers a fighting chance. 

Naomi Diggs, MD, ’04, '20 is a physician and leader at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle where she is part of the coordinated COVID-19 response team. She and other Swedish leaders have been working around the clock to ensure adequate PPE supplies, access to testing, and ability to manage a surge of patients. Dr. Diggs leads a large team of physicians who care for acutely ill patients across all five Swedish hospitals in the Puget Sound. Diggs is accustomed to hectic days leading her team during the pandemic.  In addition to caring for patients, her work includes ensuring accurate communication across the organization between her colleagues in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and emergency department.   

“We are cautiously optimistic that social distancing is working. So far, Seattle is not like New York where the healthcare system is at risk of being completely overwhelmed. We are constantly working on obtaining resources and improving our operations to prepare,” said Diggs. While pandemic training isn’t explicitly a part of medical school, Diggs said that as a physician, she and her colleagues have been training their entire careers for this kind of crisis. “The physicians on my team have been on the frontlines of many different epidemics from SARS to H1N1 and even HIV-AIDS. While the scale of coronavirus is unprecedented, taking care of sick people is what we are trained to do.” 

As a Leadership Executive MBA student and recent graduate of the Executive Leadership Program at Seattle University, Diggs has developed greater insight into her motivation for showing up and leading. Healthcare workers do not have the luxury of holing up in their homes to shield themselves from coronavirus. Countless Swedish caregivers get up each day and make the choice to leave the safety of their homes and head to work. Diggs said “When people go into healthcare, they know they’re not making widgets. We are living our mission each day. We’re getting a lot of attention now, but this is what heath care is every day. We take care of the sick and ill.” 

Diggs continued, “Honestly, it’s quite inspiring to be in healthcare now.” New information is being gathered locally and around the world to help hospitals treat patients and better understand this disease.  Diggs noted, “I am proud of us as a discipline. Not only are we taking care of patients, but we are also handling the data and science at the same time. We have trials going on that are literally affecting how we handle patients and protocols in real time.” 

Diggs continues to do her part and when asked how Seattle U alumni can help, she advised, “Continue social distancing, get your information from accurate and reputable sources and take care of your neighbors, friends and families.  The only way we will get through this is if everyone does their part.” 

If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19, check out the CDC Symptom & Testing website for a coronavirus self-checker, call your doctor’s office or schedule a virtual visit through Swedish Medical Center. 

COVID-19 Brings Challenges and New Opportunities

Posted by The Seattle University Alumni Association on April 2, 2020 at 10:04 AM PDT

Throughout these unprecedented times, Seattle University has kept the health, safety and well-being of our students and the university community paramount. Since we last communicated about our COVID-19 response, President Stephen Sundborg, S.J., released a video message, calling on us to “look out for one another and care for one another.” Watch the video.  

Faculty are busy preparing to teach virtually when the quarter starts on Monday, April 6 and staff across campus are working to create engaging experiences for students and alumni for our current reality. As Fr. Steve said, “While this is a time we need to keep our distance physically, it is as important as ever that we stay connected.”

Despite these challenging times, the Seattle University Alumni Association is building programming options that will cultivate robust virtual communities where you can engage with the SU alumni community both near and far. Check our website regularly and stay connected to us via Facebook, TwitterInstagram or LinkedIn to get programmatic updates.

Virtual Programs, Events and Resources

Seattle University and partner organizations are offering a variety of ways to engage with your alma mater and community during this time.

Professional Development

In light of current circumstances, we will be waiving fees for the following Career Conversations and Tools for Trasition series.


Community and Service


Seattle U continues to closely monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and regularly updates the community through its coronavirus website to reflect the latest state and university developments.