Alumni Blog

A Jesuit University of Distinction

Posted by The Seattle University Alumni Association on February 5, 2020 at 3:02 PM PST

Aerial view of Seattle University quad

In January, Seattle University unveiled the Strategic Direction for 2020-2025: “A Jesuit University of Distinction for a Time of Change.” This vision and the goals outlined in it represents in a clear and compelling manner what Seattle University wants and is committed to become. 

The strategic direction was developed with the voice and contributions of the whole university, including students, staff, faculty and alumni, and were facilitated and articulated by a deeply engaged Steering Committee. This vision of the future shapes the university from academics and operations to alumni engagement and partnerships for professional development.

By fully aligning our talents and resources to the needs of society, our students and our alumni in a time of innovation and change, we will shape a Seattle U that is better, stronger and increasingly recognized for its excellence, purpose and impact.

Strategic Direction Goals 

  • Reimagine and revise our curriculum: We will comprehensively reimagine and revise our curriculum, including a review of our academic calendar, to deeply embed practices and qualities that make our education more distinctively Jesuit and empowering. 
  • Strengthen professional formation: Seattle and the Puget Sound region offer extraordinary opportunities to the university and its students. We will leverage and build upon this location and our connections. 
  • Enhance the student experience: We will build a campus environment that engages, enlivens and educates all students. We will value and celebrate the diverse identities that comprise our community. 
  • Support the success of our community: Because equity and diversity are integral to our character, values and excellence, and essential in our education, we will prioritize inclusive recruitment, hiring and retention practices and provide the range of programs and learning opportunities that help all faculty and staff thrive in a diverse environment.
  • Reposition for change: We will build the strategic, institutional and financial capacity that undergirds the success of these strategic directions. We will link them to multi-year enrollment, tuition and aid strategies and comprehensive academic and financial plans that see affordability and access for students to an education well worth it while assuring the financial viability of the university.

We will be coordinating the efforts of a number of working groups to support these goals. The Strategic Planning Council will be a major vehicle to move Seattle University forward in making decisions about its future. These working groups will be populated in consultation with the appropriate shared governance bodies such as the Academic Assembly, Staff Senate, SGSU and GSU. 

Read the full vision, goals and key initiatives by visiting this website.  

Join us for Seattle U Gives!

Posted by The Seattle University Alumni Association on January 9, 2020 at 9:01 AM PST

Thankful students holding signs at a photobooth

Seattle U Gives is Seattle University’s online day of giving and celebration of generosity. On Thursday, February 6, our entire Seattle U community will come together to invest in the causes they care about to make an uncommon impact.

During Seattle U Gives, the power of small gifts will have ripple effects on our students, our communities and the greater good. Paired with special match and challenge funds to amplify our impact, together—as an alumni community—our combined efforts will serve the common good with uncommon purpose. 

As an SU alum, here are a few reasons to participate in Seattle U Gives:

  • Tuition covers only a fraction of the cost of an SU education. The transformative student experience that you remember was made possible by the generosity of donors.
  • Your gift increases the value of your degree and Seattle University’s reputation. The number of alumni giving back is one of the key factors ranking organizations use when determining national and regional lists.
  • Seattle U Gives is a special opportunity to amplify the impact of your gift through limited matches and challenges that can maximize your contribution.

Join us to invest in the causes you care about. Here is how you can participate:

  • Mark your calendar! Seattle U Gives goes lives February 6 at 12:01 a.m. PST
  • Explore the website to discover the causes you care about and available matching funds
  • Volunteer as an ambassador
  • Share your excitement on social media with #seattleugives