
Rashmi Chordiya

Photo of Rashmi Chordiya

PhD, Public Affairs

Assistant Professor

Building/Room: Casey Building 210-14

Rashmi Chordiya CV (PDF)


Rashmi Chordiya (She| Her) is an assistant professor of public administration at Seattle University's Department of Public Affairs and Nonprofit Leadership (PANL). In all her roles, as a social-justice centered educator, scholar, and practitioner, Dr. Chordiya seeks to advance the integration of individual and collective transformation to foster a trauma-informed, repair and healing oriented public service that compassionately centers the margins. As a teacher and scholar, Dr. Chordiya seeks to connect the dots and discern alignments across interdisciplinary critical academic scholarship and social justice movement visions and frameworks. She seeks to center the lessons from social justice movement visions and frameworks to build strong foundations for the theory and praxis of liberatory justice in public service contexts. Her peer-reviewed journal articles are published in prestigious public administration journals [Google Scholar Link Here]. Her upcoming book is titled 'Managing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Public Service Organizations: A Liberatory Justice Approach'.

Dr. Chordiya was born and has deep roots and lineages in India. She carries with her many lessons from her lived experiences of growing up and working in India. She has demonstrated experiences of working in collaborative contexts of higher education, public and nonprofit sector organizations in India. Her past experiences include intensive work in supporting the formulation and implementation of two major federal policies in India- the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Policy and the Higher Education Reform Policy. She successfully led several teams of diverse researchers into intensive and extensive field studies across rural and urban India. With her team, she supported public sector organizations to make evidence-based decisions about their CSR projects that centered the needs, contexts, and lived realities of diverse communities and populations they sought to serve.

Dr. Chordiya teaches graduate and undergraduate courses focused on public sector organizational management and approaches her curriculum and pedagogy from the lens of diversity, equity, inclusion, and liberatory justice.