Listening in a Pandemic Age

March 3, 2022

  A Listening Year  ~  March 2022  

Center Message - Red


 Certificate Programs at the Center and the New STM Student & Alumni Discerning Circle Begins

Dr. Trice Photo with Center Message

LISTEN HERE to the Center Message on Soundcloud 


I want to begin this report by recognizing the people of Ukraine and respond with prayerful attention and care to the millions – especially children, whose early lives are harmed by the sounds of war – who are in the line of fire from these geopolitical challenges and this infernal invasion. This week, as we acknowledge Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent for Christians around the world, Pope Francis has condemned the “diabolical and perverse logic of weapons,” calling for an end to the war in Eastern Europe 


This is also a week where Hindus around the world celebrate Mahashivratri, or the great night of Shiva this past Tuesday, reminding adherents that just as Shiva became like a mountain in stillness, we too can witness the one, unifying energy in which we are participating, manifested in millions of ways and in every moment. Drawing on these themes and looking at the rise of religious nationalism in India, we interviewed Nikhil Mandalaparthy, who serves as the Advocacy Director of Hindus for Human Rights. 


The Center participated in leading a session this past week at the United Nations Environment Program on how universities, including Seattle University, is creating curriculum to address climate devastation and the diminishment of biodiversity, which are just two further reasons why war is so devastating to the land and water around us. In this listening year, the Center is very engaged. With the challenges we are facing, how can we not be facing them alongside you, in your community, and in local communities around the world. I am pleased to share that the Center participated in crafting a final and unprecedented statement on the role of faith, which was read at the United Nations on Wednesday evening of this week. If you are reading this presentation, then click the link to hear the statement read aloud: .  In our contribution, we drew on Pope Francis’ imploration to all of humanity for a transformation of the heart upon which our future depends. It is a reason why we recently interviewed Father Joshtrom, who reports to His Holiness the Pope, on all things ecology. That podcast is part of this newsletter. 


Closer to home, I want you to know that, as the Director of the Center, I have convened a new working group called the School of Theology and Ministry Student & Alumni Discernment Circle for the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement. I am scheduled to meet with this CEIE Discernment Circle once a month in the months ahead. If you are in the orbit of the School of Theology and Ministry, and are aware of its closing, then I know you will appreciate the deep value that faculty, students, alumni, and friends to STM, place upon the nature of discernment; in a classroom or in the world, a central theme of the STM charism is how the truth arrives in dialogue. Discernment is part of a spiritual, professional, and personal exercise for deeper awareness. 


Now, I would like to talk with you about the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement and about the university’s decision to endorse our proposal for creating certificate programs through the Center. I need your help with this. 


The CEIE Discernment Circle is asked to assist the Center in discerning the course themes, offerings, and certificate programs that the Center will offer in the future. I shared last July that this first year of the Center would be one of listening and discerning; that is year One. Today, STM students and alumni will enable the Center to imagine enduring certificate programs that are informed by the charism of STM. We imagine a future of formational offerings that offer flexibility and versatility for a wide range of students, including university alumni, leaders currently serving in ministerial roles, those seeking formational theological knowledge for use in their community, and those aiming to develop new ministerial capacities such as spiritual direction. I want to invite you now to discern what is essential for this region, and to reach out to me. You will hear me spending more time speaking about certificate programs. University colleagues have worked hard to create this emerging capacity, and year Two of the Center will see our commitment to taking next steps so that these certificates become the curricular spine of the Center’s future.  


 With the challenges we face in the world, I want you to know of my desire to be in direct communication with you about the future of the Center. But here is the reason – This Center at Seattle University, drawing deeply from the nourishing charism that has shaped thousands at STM, must create the kinds of curricular offerings in the future with educational capacities that are awake to the challenges of our moment, including geopolitical conflicts abroad and the transformational journey of communities of faith as our democracy struggles closer to home. What you will see in this newsletter are the commitments of students through this listening year, in audio, video and word. 


Know of my commitment to lead this Center alongside a team of dedicated colleagues, who are sending you their best as well. 


Thank you, 


Michael Reid Trice, PhD 

Spehar-Halligan Professor and Director 

Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement 

School of Theology and Ministry 

Seattle University 


Center FAQs




Student Stories: Pause for Reflection on Current Issues, Exhaustion, and Restoration 


Question #1: What concerns you most about the issues that plague our society today? How can we tackle these issues?  


Question #2: Has the pandemic made you feel exhausted? If so, are there any things that have helped lessen this exhaustion and bring a sense of restoration?  


Undergraduate students at the Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement interview their peers on the Pandemic, Exhaustion, and seeking Restoration -- Watch and listen. 


Discerning Circle - Center 1080x200


If you are a student or alumni at STM, and would like to participate in these sessions, please contact Dr. Michael Trice at today!


Sparking our Imagination each month at the Center: 


Listening in a Pandemic Age 


How have you stayed healthy and connected in a pandemic age?   


Created by Center Student Affiliate Genevieve Kennebrae


Talking Circle -- New Sculpture installed on SU Campus

Talking Circle Sculpture- Newsletter - Site 1080x1080 

This new sculpture area draws from the Kubota design familiar across the university campus, which incorporates natural elements and invites community engagement.  Tori Halligan, whose family installed the sculpture and who support the CEIE Professorship and Directorship, tells us: “The concept of a talking circle translates across multiple cultures and religions and is often thought to be a place of dialogue, healing and understanding.  This relates to my mom's interest in fostering interreligious dialogue as a means to better understand and perhaps embrace what makes us different and the same.”  

We are grateful to the Halligan family for continuing the vision of Marcia Spehar-Halligan. 

Learn more about the artist, John Hoge here.


Words: Listening with the Religica Theolab over graphic element


The CEIE Religica Theolab pursues topics that are shaping our world today.  March is Women’s History Month, so follow us on social media where we highlight women leading as ecologists, genomicists, and monastics.  We celebrate the work of the Institute for Catholic Thought and Culture at SU for hosting Buddhist nun, Dr. Karma Lekshe Tsomo!  We provide our podcast interview of Dr. Tsomo below. At the top of our month, we also bring you a fascinating interview with Father Joshtrom Kureethadam and his message to all of us from Pope Francis regarding the Laudato Si Action Plan.  Next, we speak with Advocacy Director of Hindus for Human Rights on the eve of celebrating The Great Night of Shiva this week! And finally, we met with Dr. Arun Gandhi on the path of non-violence as he continues in the commitment to the social justice of his grandparents.  Take a listen by clicking the images below!  

 Engage the Religica Theolab


Karma  Lekshe Tsomo - Finding a Way_ 30 Years of Buddhist Nuns Stepping up in the World  


Father Joshtrom Kereethadham 1200 x 600 Template

Nikhil Mandalaparthy - Hindus for Human Rights and Creative Responses to Derision  



An Engage Team - Genevieve Kennebrae - 1080x400 




A Month to Engage: CEIE supports two events with global partners on the environment and protecting children from gang violence.  Looking ahead, our CEIE Scholars inspired the forthcoming Canvas Resource on Gratitude, Injury and Repair in the Pandemic Age – look for it soon.


Faith for Earth: United Nations Dialogue and CEIE Leadership




CEIE is a planning partner and presenter at the United Nations Environment Assembly’s Faith for Earth Dialogue at UNEA 5.2: Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals 


Alongside global Faith Based Organiations, CEIE helped craft a final and unprecedented statement on the role of faith in the world, which was read at the United Nations on Wednesday evening of this week. View statement being read here.


End Violence Partnership

End Partnership Violence

End Violence Partnership - Dr. Serena Cosgrove, Faculty Coordinator of the Central America Initiative at SU presents on “Protecting Vulnerable Children from Gang Violence and Organized Crime in Northern Triangle and Mexico.”


A Global Deal for Our Pandemic Age: Report of the G20 High Level Independent Panel on Financing the Global Commons for Pandemic Preparedness and Response 


NPR: “What It's Like to Come of Age During a Pandemic” 


International Committee of the Red Cross: “No one is safe until everyone is safe – why we need a global response to COVID-19" 


2/24 - BUILDING BRIDGES NORTH-SOUTH: A Synodal Encounter between Pope Francis and University Students (including SU students)


 March 2022 - Engage Listening in a Pandemic Age 1080x200

Religious traditions, Spiritual pathways, and Indigenous wisdom are active in communities around the world.  Each month we share new ways to engage with our monthly theme.  Below we offer a collection of resources to engage with Listening in a Pandemic Age.


The Harvard Gazette: Young adults hardest hit by loneliness during the pandemic  


Worktech Academy: Why listening skills should be prioritized after a pandemic  


Feed Back Labs: Listening During Covid-19:  A Framework For Funders 


King's University College at Western University Canada: Sister Margot Richie- (Deep) Listening in a Time of Pandemic   


Milken Institute: Global Conference - The Listening Project: Charting a New Course for Global Leaders 


March 2022


March 1 

St. David of Wales – Christian   

Maha Shivaratri – Hindu 

Shrove Tuesday – Christian  


March 2 

Ash Wednesday – Christian    

Lent Begins – Christian 


March 6 

Cheesefare Sunday - Orthodox Christian   


March 7 

Great Lent Begins - Clean Monday - Orthodox Christian   


March 17 

St. Patrick's Day – Christian   

Purim – Judaism   


March 18 

Holi – Hindu


March 19 

St. Joseph's Day – Christian 


March 20 

Ostara - Vernal Equinox - Wicca/Neo Pagan  


March 21 

Nooruz (New Year) - Persian/Zoroastrian 

Naw-Rúz (New Year) * - Baha'i   


March 26 

Khordad Sal (Birth of Prophet Zaranthushtra) Zoroastrian 


March 30 

Magha Puja Day ** - Buddhism 


Coming in April!

In the month of April we will be listening to a new resource and to an interview with the President of Seattle University – Dr. Eduardo Peñalver 

Presid - Coming in April - Small

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