Listening to Culture and Violence

June 3, 2022

  A Listening Year  ~  June 2022  

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Listening to Culture and Violence

In the month of June, The Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement is listening to “culture and violence.” CEIE Director and Spehar-Halligan Professor, Dr. Michael Trice, reflects on recent acts of violence and resources developed by the CEIE Team for how we may respond together. 

Below are resources addressing acts of mass violence which we hope will assist your community. You will see: 


A Resource from our Theological Laboratory focusing on a multiethnic and multireligious understanding of violence, its causes, its impact in culture – and in the last module – how we can respond together toward greater healing in our own communities.              

Two podcasts with leaders from the Tree of Life Synagogue (U.S.) and Al Noor Mosque (New Zealand) who reflect upon and respond to a version of this question: “Given the experiences you have endured, what is important for local communities to remember in times of violence and trauma?”

Listen to Professor Leticia Guardiola-Saenz reflect on cultural violence and follow ways to respond in local communities.



Learning from Those Who Have Experienced Violence

Farid Ahmed was in the Al Noor Mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand when the mosque was attacked and 51 people were murdered on March 15, 2019. Among those killed was Mr. Ahmed’s wife, Husna. This is an important story; a journey, for what Mr. Ahmed calls an “interior revolution.” In this episode, Mr. Ahmed discusses loss, return, and how violence in our communities is never the final word.

Rabbi Jeffrey Myers serves as the Rabbi and Cantor of Tree of Life -- Or L'Simcha Congregation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. On October 27, 2018, Tree of Life was the target of an act of violence that left eleven people murdered. In this episode, Rabbi Myers reflects on ways to engage the sacred, the process of healing, and the role of solidarity in creating change. 


The Center for Ecumenical and Interreligious Engagement Represents Seattle University in Historic Document for Protecting the Environment 

  • The international Interfaith statement is endorsed by 188 faith leaders from 127 organizations in 40 counties with 40 percent of endorsers being women faith leaders. 

  • The statement is submitted to the Secretary General and to the governments of Sweden and Kenya as co-chairs, recommitting to responding to the climate crisis. 

  • Interfaith community representatives will present the statement to the United Nations. 

VISIT and READ the Statement HERE!


Engagement Around the World (National/International Events Resources to Engage)


Religica Theolab

Our Center has a laboratory called the Religica Theolab with a commitment to public theological engagement for a new generation. In June we honor LGBTQ Pride Month.  Take a listen by clicking the images below!  Engage the Religica Theolab 


Michael Ramos, who serves as the Executive Director of the Church Council of Greater Seattle, speaks with the CEIE Team about responding to racism in religious structures today.  Take a listen! 

Dr. Serene Jones, president at the historic Union Theological Seminary in New York City, speaks with the CEIE Team about how to heal moral injury from within.  Take a listen! 

Seattle U President, Eduardo Peñalver speaks with Dr. Michael Reid Trice about raising the empathy I.Q. on the university campus and the power of the Commons.  Take a listen! 


An Engaging Team: June: Advisory Council Member: Susan Tanabe

Susan at The Center


“I’m honored to be helping shape the narrative and digital outreach of The Center. My favorite part of my role is working alongside and learning from other Advisory Council Members. Together, we bring our talents to use for the greater purpose of connecting people and making meaningful change. What could be better than that!” 


Appreciation from the Director: 

“The CEIE team is gifted with Susan’s leadership on the Advisory Council.  Her theological insight and ability to communicate compelling narrative is right up front!  Susan brings her whole self to her work within the Advisory Council and everyone benefits!” 

Engage Listening for Gratitude:


Religious traditions, Spiritual pathways, and Indigenous wisdom are active in communities around the world.  Each month we share new ways to engage with our monthly theme.  Below we offer a collection of resources to engage with gratitude


Lessons in Gratitude from World Religion & Culture:  

Engagement by the Dates: June 2022

June 2

Ascension of Jesus - Orthodox Christian 


June 5

Pentecost - Christian 

Shavuot begins - Judaism 


June 6

Shavuot ends – Judaism 


June 9 

St. Columba of Iona - Celtic Christian 


June 12

Pentecost - Orthodox Christian 

Trinity Sunday - Christian 


June 15

St. Vladimir - Christian 


June 16 

Guru Arjan martyrdom - Sikh 

Corpus Christi - Catholic Christian 


June 19

New Church Day - Swedenborgian Christian 

All Saint's Day – Orthodox Christian 



June 21

Litha - Summer Solstice - Wicca/Neo Pagan 

First Nations Day - Canadian Native People 


June 24

Sacred Heart of Jesus - Catholic Christian 

Saint John the Baptist - Christian 


June 29 

Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul - Christian 



Coming in the Summer!

Look out for new podcasts and other media in the Summer, which will be released on our social media platforms and streaming channels.


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