Urban Sustainability Summer 2024

Our Pre-College Program, Urban Sustainability, will be based on a group of faculty-led activities from Seattle University. Students will be able to identify and explain:

  1. key environmental concerns in urban systems,
  2. who is most impacted,
  3. how these concerns are monitored and
  4. potential solutions.

This program is entirely project-based and includes a broad range of activities that span SU’s biology, chemistry, environmental studies, environmental science and environmental engineering programs. Our program emphasizes sustainability which includes social equity and inclusion as well as the issue of environmental justice which represents systemic and historical inequities for the populations that have disproportionately experience environmental burdens.

2024 Schedule Activity Faculty
Monday, July 29 Introduction to Program and Exploring the Capitol Hill Ecodistrict  Dr. Phillip Thompson
 Fish Passage at the Ballard Locks  Dr. Wes Lauer
Tuesday, July 30 Yes Farm! Dr. Tanya Hayes
Urban Wildlife Camera Trapping​ Dr. Mark Jordan
Wednesday, July 31 Water Sampling Dr. Michael Marsolek
Water Testing Dr. Michael Marsolek
Thursday, August 1 King County Forestry Program Dr. John Armstrong
Seward Park Dr. John Hainze
Friday, August 2 Plastic World: Implications and Changes​ Dr. Kristy Skogerboe​


In this program, students will critically consider what the environment entails, human impacts, and ways to approach sustainability. Upon completion students will be able to: 

  1. Define ecosystem services and explain how these can be provided in an urban setting
  2. Identify and explain sustainable building design practices related to energy, water and materials.
  3. Identify water quality parameters that can be harmful to ecological systems
  4. Take standardized benthic(underwater soil)samples to characterize biological diversity
  5. Define environmental justice and reflect on ways in which these challenges can be addressed
  6. Determine marine fish and crustacean abundance and analyze the results within the context of a large data set
  7. Apply infrared analysis to identify various types of plastic pollutants
  8. Explain the domestic wastewater treatment process
  9. Define green stormwater infrastructure
  10. Explain the migration patterns of urban wildlife


Nonrefundable Deposit: $50

  • Applied to the total cost of attendance.

Cost of Attendance: $1,200

  • Includes course work, curricular excursions, co-curricular activities, and residential cost.
  • Scholarships available. Scholarship application is accessible within the program application.

Need more information?

Aly Cotte

Assistant Director of Admissions, Pre-College Program Coordinator
