SUURJ Volume 8 Publication

Posted: May 29, 2024

By: Seattle University Undergraduate Research Journal

The Seattle University Undergraduate Research Journal (SUURJ) is thrilled to announce the launch of Volume 8. Edited by students, SUURJ is a rigorously reviewed online publication that showcases SU undergraduate research from a wide variety of disciplines.

This year's volume includes papers from biology, forensic science, history, philosophy, theology, environmental science, sociology, public affairs and women, gender and sexuality studies.

Topics range from the reliability of in-home drug testing to the importance of incorporating Latine and Indigenous medicine into modern secular medicine; from the influence of Claudia Jones and Lorraine Hansberry on the emergence of radical intersectional feminism to possible alternatives to juvenile isolation facilities in the state of Washington.

To learn more and to read the work of our talented authors, please visit SUURJ. You are also invited to connect via Instagram and LinkedIn

SUURJ 2024 Cover