Celebrate Holy Week At the Chapel—All Are Welcome

Posted: March 25, 2024

By: Campus Ministry

This week, Roman Catholics and many other Christians throughout the world observe Holy Week, the annual remembrance of the life, death and resurrection of Christ, core aspects of Christian faith. All are welcome to join together as a university community at the Chapel of St. Ignatius for any or all of the celebrations listed below. If you would like to volunteer as a reader (in multiple languages), communion minister, or altar server, please contact Bill McNamara (mcnamarw@seattleu.edu). 

The schedule of liturgies is as follows: 

  • Holy Thursday (March 28), Mass of the Lord's Supper: 7 p.m. 
  • Good Friday (March 29), Celebration of the Passion of the Lord: 3 p.m. 
  • Easter Vigil (March 30): 9 p.m. 
  • Easter Sunday (March 31): 11 a.m. (no 5 p.m. Mass)

(Photo by Yosef Kalinko)