Upcoming 2023 Staff and Faculty Workforce Engagement Survey

Posted: March 7, 2023

From: President Peñalver and Provost Martin  

Subject: Upcoming 2023 Staff and Faculty Workforce Engagement Survey   

We are excited to announce that Seattle University will be participating in a long-awaited engagement survey for all staff and faculty. We have partnered with ModernThink LLC, an independent management consulting firm focusing on workplace quality in higher education, to deliver this survey. They previously conducted an institution-wide engagement survey for Seattle University in 2009 and 2013.  

A spring 2023 collective survey of staff and faculty offers a unique opportunity for the university to capture current data and benchmarking that will be helpful as we strive to create the best workplace possible through the implementation of the Reigniting our Strategic Directions 2022-2027. Survey topics include work quality, communication, management, workplace culture, benefits and many other subjects. ModernThink’s benchmarking and consultations will provide insights and key measures for the university.   

The survey will launch on Monday, March 13 and will be open through Monday, March 27, 2023. You will receive an e-mail with details about the survey and instructions to log on from The Great Colleges to Work For® program, which ModernThink administers annually.   

This is a chance to make your voice heard. A high response rate helps ensure an accurate representation of our community. At the close of the survey, we will receive reports that summarize the organizational competencies and relationships that most directly impact and influence our culture. Survey results and communications about the process will be shared with faculty and staff.    

The survey is voluntary and completely confidential; our institution will not be able to trace results back to individuals. ModernThink will process the survey results and can be reached at (888) 684-4658 or surveys@modernthink.net.  

We encourage everyone’s participation and hope you will take this opportunity to share your honest feedback!  Thank you in advance for your participation.   

Please contact Human Resources if you have any questions at hr@seattleu.edu.