Fill out the General Section Details


How to fill out or edit the general section details (or the "general" tab in a Section)


When you create a new section (page) or edit an existing section, you will fill out several fields in the section's "general" tab, also known as the "General section details."

Screenshot of the general section details screen of an empty section

  1. Name
    • Should be a clear and concise description of the page's contents. Don't use abbreviations or acronyms.
    • The section name will show:
      • On the page as the Page Title, using Heading 1 (unless you use a page layout that does not display the page title)
      • In the navigation menu (unless you uncheck the 'show in navigation' box, #3, below)
      • In the breadcrumbs (unless you use a page layout that does not display breadcrumbs)
    • T4 will automatically generate the URL of the page using the section name, replacing the spaces with dashes (-), unless you override the automatic generation in the Output URI field (#7) below
    • The section name is very important for search engine optimization.
  2. Status
    • In this drop down menu, you can change the page's status from "Approved," "Pending," or "Inactive."
    • Approved = Published (or will publish if/when the section contains content items that are saved and approved)
    • Pending = Not published yet
      • This will change the color of the folder in the Site Structure to orange
    • Inactive = Unpublished or deleted
      • This will change the color of the folder in the Site Structure to red
      • If this section was previously published, then it will be unpublished or removed during the next publish cycle
  3. Section options
    • This field contains four check boxes:
      • "Mark as link section"
        • If you want to add a link to your navigation menu, then you will check this box
        • This box will only appear when you first create a new section 
      • "Show in navigation"
        • If you don't want this page to be included in the navigation menu, then you will uncheck this box.
        • Note: Hiding your section from the navigation menu does not hide your page from search engines.
      • "Archive section"
        • If you want to create a section which by default will not publish, or if you want to archive an old section, then you can check this box.
        • You'll want to check this box if you are creating a form submissions folder, or if you're creating a trash folder to store deleted items.
      • "eForm section"
        • Please ignore this box, this field is not in use.
  4. Description
    • This field contains internal-only notes and helps you and your web team (now and future) see what this section is all about – fill in a few key phrases summarizing what this section is for
  5. Custom Title
  6. Content Owner
    • Please ignore this box, this field is a TerminalFour feature not in use here at Seattle U.
  7. Output URI
    • You are able to override the automatic generation of the URL by specifying a different URL in this field.
    • For example, with the College of Nursing, the name of their section in TerminalFour is "College of Nursing." The default URL would be which is a little long, so in the output URI field they have written in "nursing" which overrides the default, therefore their URL is
  8. SEO key phrases 
    • Please ignore this box, this field is not in use.
    • If you would like to add keywords to your page's metadata for SEO purposes, please select the More tab in your section, click Metadata, and then use the Keywords field instead.
  9. Default workflow
    • Please ignore this box, this field is a TerminalFour feature not in use here at Seattle U.
  10. Access key
    • Please ignore this box, this field is a TerminalFour feature not in use here at Seattle U.