Humanities/Liberal Studies


  • Teaching
  • Research
  • Administration
  • Admissions
  • Financial Aid
  • Academic Advising and Student Support Services
  • Development
  • Alumni Affairs
  • International Education and Study Abroad
  • Information/Library Science
  • Student Life:
    • Residence Life
    • Student Activities
    • Orientation
    • Leadership
    • Greek Life
    • Multicultural Affairs
  • Primary and Secondary Education:
    • Teaching
    • Administration
    • Library Sciences
  • Community Education:
    • Literacy
    • English as a Second Language
    • GED Preparation
    • Tutoring


  • Universities and colleges
  • Academic support programs, (e.g., Educational Advancement Program, Upward Bound)
  • School and community libraries
  • K-12 schools, public and private
  • Head Start programs
  • Private learning centers
  • Test preparation organizations
  • Adult education programs, (e.g., those focusing on GED preparation)
  • Nonprofit organizations including those promoting literacy, (e.g., VISTA)
  • Language institutes, local and abroad
  • Museums


  • Earn a Ph.D. to teach and research at four-year institutions. Some two-year institutions may accept a master’s degree. The interdisciplinary nature of liberal arts and humanities is good preparation for advanced education in a variety of fields.
  • Obtain a master’s degree in student affairs, higher education administration, or library/ information science to prepare for those fields.
  • If interested in K-12 teaching, fulfill requirements for certification. This may involve a double major or a minor. Research alternative paths to certification such as Teach for America and other similar programs.
  • Get involved in leadership roles on campus including peer mentor, resident advisor, orientation leader, or tutor.
  • Volunteer with community organizations.
  • Join related professional associations as a student member.
  • Develop strong communication, public speaking, and foreign language skills. Build cultural competence.
  • Secure strong recommendations from faculty, and maintain a high grade point average. Assist a professor with research or take an independent study class to develop research skills.


  • Domestic and International Advocacy
  • Humanitarian Services
  • Development:
    • Economic
    • Community
    • Housing
  • Disaster/Disease Relief
  • HIV/AIDS Advocacy
  • Policy Development
  • Program Administration
  • Education
  • Volunteer Coordination
  • Grant Writing
  • Fundraising/Development
  • Research


  • Community action agencies
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • Private voluntary organizations
  • Faith based organizations (FBO’s)
  • International aid and relief organizations
  • Non-governmental Organizations (NGO’s), (e.g., International Red Cross)
  • Federal government agencies with an international focus, (e.g., Peace Corps, USAID) or community assistance focus, (e.g., Americorps)
  • State and local government agencies
  • Research organizations


  • Gain experience through extensive volunteering or by completing an internship; these experiences are critical to finding full-time positions.
  • Participate in an international service learning experience or church-led mission trip.
  • Get involved with cultural events or organizations on campus.
  • Take additional courses in social work, global studies, or other relevant areas.
  • Develop excellent research, writing, communication, and organizational skills. Learn how to motivate individuals and groups.
  • Research organizations’ values to find a good fit with yours. It is critical that you are knowledgeable about and committed to the work you’re going to do.

Social Services

  • Counseling
  • Psychotherapy
  • Mental Health Services
  • Case Management
  • Programming
  • Community Relations
  • Fundraising/Development
  • Administration


  • Mental health institutions
  • Hospitals and clinics
  • Residential treatment facilities
  • Private and group practice
  • Correctional institutions
  • Federal, state, or local government:
    • Department of Human Services
  • Organizations that aid immigrants, migrant workers, and refugees or focus on cultural issues
  • Youth organizations and camps, (e.g., the Y and Boys and Girls Clubs).
  • Nonprofit and social services organizations:
    • United Way
    • Goodwill Industries
    • Salvation Army
  • Church-based programs


  • Supplement curriculum with courses in psychology, social work, or child and family studies.
  • Obtain a graduate degree in psychology, counseling, or social work for increased counseling opportunities or advancement into administrative work.
  • Gain essential practical experience through part-time or summer jobs and internships.
  • Volunteer with organizations that assist people of diverse backgrounds.
  • Participate in training opportunities, (e.g., suicide prevention or crisis hotline response).
  • Acquire knowledge of government and community resources available for those in need.

Media and Arts

  • Journalism
  • Creative Writing
  • Freelance Writing
  • Copy Writing
  • Editing
  • Research and Analysis
  • Broadcasting:
    • Television
    • Radio
  • Media Sales
  • Museum Work
  • Arts Programming
  • Art Sales
  • Fundraising/Development


  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Broadcast media companies including television and movie industry
  • Radio stations
  • Foreign news agencies
  • Trade, professional, or consumer publications
  • Internet marketing sites
  • Advertising agencies
  • Publishing houses
  • Large corporations
  • Museums
  • Galleries
  • Organizations and centers devoted to the promotion of the arts
  • Smithsonian Institution
  • Self-employed, freelance


  • Study a second field such as journalism, English, or broadcasting to prepare for a career in media.
  • For positions in the arts, consider a minor in art history. Plan to pursue a relevant graduate degree such as museum studies.
  • Write for campus publications such as college newspapers, magazines, or department/program newsletters. Work at campus radio or television stations.
  • Use your interests and communication skills to write about topics of interest for specific publications, (e.g., local sport magazines).
  • Intern with a publishing house, magazine, radio or television station depending upon area of interest.
  • Create a portfolio of writing samples, especially those that have been published. For other areas, create a website or digital portfolio to promote skills to potential employers.
  • Seek opportunities for recognition and networking through writing contests and freelance writing submissions.
  • Become familiar with the proposal and submission process involved in freelance writing.

Law and Government

  • Law:
    • Corporate Practice
    • Public Interest Law
    • Civil Law
  • Lobbying
  • Government Relations
  • Elected or Appointed Leadership
  • Public Policy
  • Research
  • Intelligence
  • Campaign Management
  • Special Interest Advocacy
  • Program Administration


  • Law firms
  • Corporate legal departments
  • Public defenders offices
  • District attorneys
  • Public interest groups
  • Civil rights organizations
  • Legal aid
  • Sole practitioner
  • Government agencies
  • Lobbying groups


  • Obtain the J.D. for law positions or an advanced degree in public administration, public policy, or international relations for government positions.
  • Supplement curriculum with relevant courses to prepare for law school.
  • Participate in activities that develop strong debate and public speaking skills such as mock trial.
  • Get involved with the pre-law society on campus.
  • Gain relevant experience through jobs or internships with law firms, government agencies, or mediation centers.
  • Maintain a high grade point average and secure strong faculty recommendations.
  • Prepare for and take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).
  • Apply for federal government internship programs while in school.
  • The Foreign Service requires passage of the Foreign Service Exam, after obtaining a master’s degree or significant work experience.


  • Financial Services and Banking
  • Management
  • Customer Service
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Advertising and Public Relations
  • Human Resources
  • Training and Development
  • Equity and Diversity Functions
  • International Business
  • Importing/Exporting
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Consulting


  • Public and private corporations in various industries:
    • Banks and financial institutions
    • Insurance companies
    • Retail stores
    • Hotels and restaurants
    • Consumer goods manufacturers
    • Multinational businesses
  • Staffing agencies
  • Consulting firms
  • Market research firms
  • Public relations agencies
  • Travel agencies and tour operators
  • Convention and visitors’ bureaus


  • Double major or minor in business.
  • Gain business experience through internships or part-time and summer jobs.
  • Join campus organizations or professional societies and seek leadership roles.
  • Understand the skills employers’ desire and be prepared to demonstrate them, such as communication (oral and written), computer, interpersonal, leadership, and teamwork.
  • Conduct informational interviews with professionals to learn more about career fields.
  • Earn an MBA or a graduate degree in another area of interest for more advanced opportunities.
  • When job searching, seek employers interested in hiring “any major.”
  • For international assignments, plan to start in U.S. based positions and gain experience with the company/industry. Usually more seasoned employees are given international assignments.

General Information

  • Liberal studies and humanities provide an interdisciplinary background that helps students develop analytical, critical thinking, and writing skills while gaining knowledge about American and foreign cultures and histories.
  • When paired with a major in another field, humanities can enhance the employability of a student because of a deeper understanding of cultural and historical backgrounds and analytical thinking, writing, and communication skills.
  • Because liberal studies and humanities are broad-based, interdisciplinary majors, it is important to develop skills relevant to targeted fields through internships, part-time or summer jobs, or volunteer experiences.
  • These majors are excellent candidates for a number of graduate school options because of their broad liberal arts background as well as specific interests that may set them apart from other students. For those wishing to pursue graduate education, maintain a high GPA, establish relationships with faculty to secure strong recommendations, and gain experience through volunteer, work, or research opportunities.

Professional Associations

Occupational Outlook

Related Resources

Employment Opportunities