Sales and Promotion

  • Industrial sales
  • Wholesale sales
  • Consumer product sales
  • Financial services sales
  • Services sales
  • Advertising sales
  • Corporate sales
  • Manufacturer representation
  • Direct consumer sales
  • E-commerce
  • Sales management:
    • District, regional, and higher
  • Promotion:
    • Consumer
    • Trade
    • Sales force
  • Customer service


  • For-profit and nonprofit organizations
  • Product and service organizations
  • Manufacturers
  • Financial companies
  • Insurance companies
  • Print and electronic media outlets
  • Software and technology companies
  • Internet companies
  • Consulting firms


  • Obtain experience through internships or summer and part-time jobs.
  • Seek leadership positions in campus organizations.
  • Work for the campus newspaper, directory, or radio station selling advertisements.
  • Become highly motivated and well-organized. Learn to work well under pressure and to be comfortable in a competitive environment.
  • Be prepared to work independently and to be self-motivated. Plan to work irregular and long hours.
  • Develop strong persuasion skills. Learn how to communicate effectively with a wide range of people and build relationships. Take courses in interpersonal communication and public speaking.
  • Develop a strong knowledge base of the product or service you are selling.
  • To deliver effective customer service, develop problem solving skills, self-confidence, assertiveness, and empathy. Become committed to customer satisfaction.
  • Some positions in sales, such as pharmaceuticals, require at least one to two years of a proven record in outside sales. Be prepared to start in a different industry before getting a job in pharmaceuticals.

Marketing Management

Marketing is a functional area that falls in between product development and sales.

  • Product management
  • Brand management
  • Marketing strategy management
  • Advertising management


  • Consumer products corporations
  • Service providers
  • Industrial goods manufacturers
  • Software and technology companies
  • Advertising and public relations firms
  • Market research firms


  • Plan on pursuing an MBA and an internship for most brand or product management positions.
  • Creativity and analytical skills are both critical to success in this field.
  • Develop strong communication skills and learn to work well on cross-functional teams.
  • Obtain a broad background in advertising, research, consumer behavior, and strategy.
  • Be prepared to start in assisting roles and work your way up.

Market Research

  • Data collection:
    • Primary
    • Secondary
  • Field service
  • Survey research
  • Data analysis
  • Evaluation design
  • Forecasting
  • Reporting
  • Project management
  • Management


  • Large corporations
  • Marketing research firms
  • Public institutions concerning health, education, and transportation
  • Management consulting firms
  • Advertising agencies
  • Manufacturers
  • Retailers
  • Trade and industry associations
  • Government agencies
  • Nonprofit organizations


  • Build a solid background in statistics, mathematics, and behavioral science. Strong analytical and problem solving skills, and an attention to detail are critical.
  • Learn how to use databases and other marketing and statistical analysis software programs.
  • Get involved with a professor’s research project or pursue an independent study to learn about the research process.
  • Gain experience with data entry and interviewing through part-time jobs or internships.
  • Plan on obtaining an advanced degree in business or statistics to qualify for more positions.
  • Graduates with bachelor’s degrees may qualify for entry-level positions such as junior or associate analysts.
  • Work experience in sales and other areas of marketing may prove beneficial.
  • Research certification by the Marketing Research Association.


  • Purchasing/Buying:
  • Wholesale
  • Retail
  • Agricultural
  • Operational
  • Contract or supply management


  • Manufacturers
  • Retail chains and stores
  • Wholesalers
  • Large corporations
  • Local, state, and federal government
  • Educational institutions
  • Hospitals


  • Develop the skills most important to this field including: analytical, decision-making, communication, and negotiation.
  • Supplement curriculum with courses in supply chain management or logistics.
  • For federal government positions, become familiar with the application process. Maintain a high grade point average and plan to complete a federal internship.
    Be prepared to start in assisting positions and work your way up.
    Research the options that are available for certification, for example those offered by the American Purchasing Society.

Social Media Management

  • Strategy
  • Content planning
  • Community management
  • Marketing and promotions
  • Blogging
  • Copy writing
  • Search engine marketing
  • Online customer service


  • Public relations firms
  • Marketing agencies
  • Advertising agencies
  • Social media management companies
  • Media outlets
  • Corporations in a variety of industries
  • Web application companies
  • Freelance


  • Get experience with social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, YouTube, Twitter) and location- based social media sites (e.g. Yelp, Gowalla).
  • Be adept at learning new technology and tools quickly. Stay abreast of industry news.
  • Establish an online presence for yourself, and use it in your job search.
  • Complete an internship in social media.
  • Volunteer to maintain social media for campus organizations.
  • Develop skills important to this field including: communication, creativity, relationship building, and project management.
  • Take courses in journalism, copy writing, and technology.
  • Research an industry of interest to learn about its social media presence.
  • Learn how to effectively manage negative press.


Types of Management:

  • Entry-level/Management-trainee
  • Supervision of employees and operations
  • Human resource management:
    • Recruiting/Staffing
  • Project management
  • Team management
  • Information management
  • Operations management
  • Middle management
  • Top management


  • Nearly every type of organization across industries offer management positions:
    • Banks and financial institutions
    • Retail stores
    • Restaurants
    • Hotels and other facilities
    • Service providers
    • Healthcare organizations
    • Manufacturers
    • Software and technology companies
    • Educational institutions
    • Local, state, and federal government
    • Nonprofit organizations
  • Self-employed


  • Be prepared to start in entry-level management trainee positions or corporate rotational training programs.
  • Gain related experience through internships or summer and part-time jobs.
  • Work at a retail store or restaurant; advance into an assistant manager position.
  • Get involved in student organizations and assume leadership roles.
  • Demonstrate a strong work ethic, integrity, and a sense of independence.
  • Take courses in a secondary specialty such as marketing or information systems to increase job opportunities.
  • Learn to communicate effectively with a wide variety of people and to work well on a team.
  • Develop strong problem solving skills.

Entertainment Marketing

  • Sales
  • Promotions
  • Marketing
  • Event planning
  • Public relations
  • Social media management


  • Music industry:
    • Concert promoters
    • Record labels
    • Radio stations
    • Artist management agencies
  • Sports industry:
    • Minor and major league teams
    • College and university athletics
    • Arenas, stadiums, and facilities
  • Festivals
  • Event planning companies
  • Marketing and public relations firms
  • Movie and television industry
  • Theaters
  • Nonprofits focused on arts and entertainment


  • Seek multiple internships in area of interest, even if unpaid. Full-time positions are often difficult to obtain and require breaking in at the bottom level.
  • Gain experience in sales to prepare for this field.
  • Get involved with campus entertainment boards or event planning committees or work at the college radio or television station if possible.
  • Volunteer to promote a local band on your campus or in your city.
  • Work part-time or summer jobs at venues that host events or conferences.
  • Plan to relocate to larger cities for the most job opportunities.
  • Conduct informational interviews to build a network of contacts.


  • Commercial Banking
  • Retail/Consumer Banking
  • Credit Analysis
  • Lending
  • Trust Services
  • Mortgage Services
  • Branch Management
  • Operations


  • Banks
  • Credit unions
  • Savings and loan associations
  • Financial services institutions
  • Wholesale lenders
  • Housing lenders
  • Federal Reserve banks


  • Develop a solid background in business including finance and accounting.
  • Get experience through part-time, summer, or internship positions in a bank.
  • Develop strong interpersonal and communication skills in order to work well with a diverse clientele.


  • Sales
  • Claims
  • Underwriting
  • Risk management
  • Asset management
  • Loss control
  • Customer service


  • Insurance firms
  • Insurance brokers


  • Complete an internship with an insurance agency.
  • Talk to professionals in the industry to learn more about claims, underwriting, and risk management. Many entry-level positions exist in these areas.
  • Initiative and sales ability are necessary to be a successful agent or broker.
  • Develop strong communication skills as many positions require interaction with others and the ability to explain information clearly and concisely.
  • There are many certifications in the insurance industry. Research those relevant to your area.

Real Estate

  • Brokerage/Sales
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Office and industrial
  • Farm and land
  • Property management
  • Appraising
  • Land development


  • Real estate brokers and firms
  • Banks
  • Appraisal firms
  • Apartment and condominium complexes
  • Leasing offices
  • Developers
  • Large corporations: Real estate departments


  • Research the process of becoming a real estate broker through the National Association of Realtors. Every state requires a combination of real estate courses, passing an exam, and other criterion to gain a license.
  • Obtain sales experience through part-time, summer, or internship positions.
  • Develop an entrepreneurial spirit as nearly 60% of brokers and agents are self-employed.
  • Be willing to work evenings and weekends to accommodate clients’ schedules.
  • Investigate apprenticeships in appraisal if that is an area of interest.

General Information

  • Most entry-level positions for marketing majors reside in sales. After gaining more experience, professionals can move into marketing management.
  • Marketing is good preparation for graduate study in business. An MBA can open greater opportunities, particularly in areas of brand management and market research.
  • Gain as much relevant experience as possible through internships or summer and part-time jobs.
  • Join the American Marketing Association student chapter and seek leadership roles.
  • Develop excellent communication skills and the ability to work well with others.
  • Conduct informational interviews with or shadow professionals in careers of interest to learn about the field first hand.
  • Engage in personal networking to increase job possibilities.
  • Look for companies that hire new graduates into rotational training or corporate leadership development programs to gain exposure to multiple functional areas.
  • A willingness to relocate often opens more entry-level opportunities.

Professional Associations

Occupational Outlook

Related Resources

Employment Opportunities