Information for Transfer and Post-Baccalaureate Students

Learn more about the prerequisite courses needed to apply to the BS in Diagnostic Ultrasound program as a transfer or post-baccalaureate student and the courses you will take as a diagnostic ultrasound major.

As a student of our Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Ultrasound (DIUS) program, you will join a community of faculty and students dedicated to your success.

We have developed plans of study for our transfer and post-baccalaureate students that will allow you to dive into the foundational and DIUS courses you need to earn your degree.

Prerequisite Courses

Prerequisite courses are required for all transfer and post-baccalaureate students applying for admission. Visit the Registrar's Office site for more information on how your credits may transfer using their Transfer Tools and Transfer Equivalency Guide. Some courses not listed on the Transfer Equivalency Guide may still transfer to SU. For courses not found on this tool, compare course descriptions with SU’s course catalog to determine equivalent courses at your college/university.

Students admitted into the DIUS major must maintain a cumulative 2.75 GPA and a 3.0 GPA in pre-requisites and major courses.

  •  Complete one of the following options:
    • *MATH 1021 Pre-calculus Algebra (5) and *MATH 1028 Trigonometry (2)
    • OR a higher-level *MATH course (calculus)
  • CHEM 1500/1501 General Chemistry I with lab (5)
  • PHYS 1050/1051 Mechanics (algebra-based) with lab (5)
  • PHYS 1060/1061 Waves, Sound, Electricity, and Magnetism (algebra-based) with lab (5)
  • BIOL 1610/1611 Molecular and Cellular Biology I with lab (5)
  • BIOL 2200 Anatomy and Physiology I with lab (5)
  • BIOL 2210 Anatomy and Physiology II with lab (5)
  • All Math coursework must be completed within 10 years of application and all Science coursework must be completed within 5 years of application.

All students rank a selection of a Vascular, General or Cardiac sonography track focus. Transfer students earn a total of 109 credits, 89 in required major classes. Post-bacc transfers earn a total of 99 credits, 89 in major courses. To complete your degree, you are required to hold a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher; a major GPA of 3.0 or higher and receive a C (2.0) or better in all required major courses to progress in the program.

A student's actual plan of study may vary due to prior educational experience or individual goals.

During your first year you will take University Core courses as well as those in your focus area of either Vascular, General or Cardiac sonography.

Fall Quarter Year 1

All tracks:

  • NURS 3205 Pathophysiology (5)
  • NURS 2520 Health Care in the 21st Century (3)


  • DIUS 3010 Vascular Sonography I (4)
  • DIUS 3011 Vascular Lab I (3)


  • DIUS 3020 General Sonography I (4)
  • DIUS 3021 General Lab I (3)


  • DIUS 3030 Cardiac Sonography I (4)
  • DIUS 3031 Cardiac Lab I (3)

Winter Quarter Year 1

All Tracks:

  • DIUS 3100 Ultrasound Physics (5)
  • UCOR 3600 Global Health (5) - for transfer students. Course waived for post-bacc students but recommended for knowledge in global health awareness and equity.
  • UCOR 2100 Theological Exploration (5) - for post-bacc students. Transfers take the course summer quarter.


  • DIUS 3110 Vascular Sonography II (4)
  • DIUS 3111 Vascular Lab II (3)


  • DIUS 3120 General Sonography II (4)
  • DIUS 3121 General Lab II (3)


  • DIUS 3130 Cardiac Sonography II (4)
  • DIUS 3131 Cardiac Lab II (3)

Spring Quarter Year 1

All Tracks:

  • DIUS 3200 Ultrasound Instrumentation (5)
  • UCOR 2500 Philosophy of the Human Person (5) - for transfer students.
  • UCOR 2920 Ethical Reasoning in Health Care (5) - for post-bacc students. Transfers take course during summer quarter.


  • DIUS 3210 Vascular Sonography III (4)
  • DIUS 3211 Vascular Lab III (3)


  • DIUS 3220 General Sonography III (4)
  • DIUS 3221 General Lab III (3)


  • DIUS 3230 Cardiac Sonography III (4)
  • DIUS 3231 Cardiac Lab III (3)

Summer Quarter Year 1 For transfer students

  • UCOR 2100 Theological Explorations (5)
  • UCOR 2920 Ethical Reasoning in Health Care (5)

During your final year of the program, you will gain hands-on clinical sonography experience at one of our partner DIUS clinical sites.

Fall Quarter Year 2

  • DIUS 4100 Clinical Experience in Ultrasound I (10)
  • DIUS 4500 Leadership for Health Equity I (3)

Winter Quarter Year 2

  • DIUS 4200 Clinical Experience in Ultrasound II (10)
  • DIUS 4600 Leadership for Health Equity II (3)

Spring Quarter Year 2

  • DIUS 4300 Clinical Experience in Ultrasound III (10)
  • DIUS 4700 Leadership for Health Equity III (3)

Summer Quarter Year 2

  • DIUS 4400 Clinical Experience in Ultrasound IV (8)
  • DIUS 4800 Leadership for Health Equity IV (3)

Clinical placements are arranged and randomly assigned based on specific criteria for each site. Some placements are outside the state of Washington or the Greater Seattle area.

Two-Year College Transfer Equivalencies


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 241 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I   
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 242 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II  
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH& 141 PRECALCULUS I  
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS 114& GENERAL PHYSICS I  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS& 115 GENERAL PHYSICS II  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 211 MAJORS CELLULAR  


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 241 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I  If both BIOL& 231 and BIOL& 232 are taken, can satisfy BIOL 2200/2210
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 242 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II  
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH& 141 PRECALCULUS I MATH 110 PRE-CALCULUS 1 will also satisfy
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II MATH 120 PRE-CALCULUS 2 will also satisfy
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS 114 GENERAL PHYSICS I  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS 115 GENERAL PHYSICS II  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 211 MAJORS CELLULAR  


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 241 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I   
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 242 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II  
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH& 141 PRECALCULUS I  
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS& 114 GENERAL PHYSICS I  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS& 115 GENERAL PHYSICS II  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 211 MAJORS CELLULAR  


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 231 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I   
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 232 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II  
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH& 141 PRECALCULUS I: College 
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II: Trigonometry, MATH 105 Trigonometry  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS& 114 GENERAL PHYSICS I  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS& 115 GENERAL PHYSICS II  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 211 MAJORS CELL/Molecular BIOL& 211, BIOL 200 also acceptable


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 241 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I   
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 242 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II  
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS& 114 GENERAL PHYSICS I  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS& 115 GENERAL PHYSICS II  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 211 MAJORS CELLULAR  


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 241 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I   
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 242 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II  
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH& 141 PRECALCULUS I MATH 115 will also satisfy
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 Please email Does not appear to have an equivalency here because PHYS 101 doesn't have a lab and there's no other course options with a lab
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 Please email Does not appear to have an equivalency here because PHYS 101 doesn't have a lab and there's no other course options with a lab
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 211 MAJORS CELL  


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 241 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I   
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 242 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II  
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH& 141 PRECALCULUS I  
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS& 114 GENERAL PHYSICS I  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS& 115 GENERAL PHYSICS II  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 211 MAJORS CELLULAR  


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 241 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I   
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 242 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II  
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH& 141 PRECALCULUS I  
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS& 114 GENERAL PHYSICS I  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS& 115 GENERAL PHYSICS II  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 211 MAJORS CELLULAR  


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 241 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 1   
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 242 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 2  
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH& 141 PRECALCULUS I  
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS& 114 GENERAL PHYSICS I WITH LAB  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS& 115 GENERAL PHYSICS II WITH LAB  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 211 MAJORS CELLULAR  


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 241 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I  BIOL& 231 Human Anatomy and BIOL& 232 taken together
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 242 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II Both BIOL& 231 and BIOL& 232 taken together satisfy
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH& 141 PRECALCULUS I  
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS& 114 GENERAL PHYSICS I  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS& 115 GENERAL PHYSICS II  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 211 MAJORS CELLULAR  


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 241 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I   
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 242 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II  
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH& 141 PRECALCULUS I MATH 111 Precalculus would satisfy as well
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS& 124 GENERAL PHYSICS I, PHYS& 134 GENERAL PHYSICS I Student must take both PHYS& 124 and &134, they are the lecture and lab portion
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS& 126 GENERAL PHYSICS II, PHYS& 136 GENERAL PHYSICS III Student must take both PHYS& 126 and &136, they are the lecture and lab portion
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 211 MAJORS CELLULAR  


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 241 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I   
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 242 ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II  
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH& 141 PRECALCULUS I  
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS& 114 GENERAL PHYSICS I WITH LAB  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS& 115 GENERAL PHYSICS II WITH LAB  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 222 Introduction to Cellular and Molecular Biology  


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL& 241 HUMAN A&P 1   
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL& 242 HUMAN A&P 2  
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH& 141 PRECALCULUS I  
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH& 142 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS& 114 GENERAL PHYSICS I WITH LAB  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS& 115 GENERAL PHYSICS II WITH LAB  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM& 161 GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL& 211 MAJORS CELLULAR  


Four-Year Transfer Equivalencies


Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL 118 SURVEY OF PHYSIOLOGY & BIOl 119 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY LAB, NURS 301 GENERAL ANATOMY Most schools offer a 2-quarter sequence of Anatomy and Physiology. UW students take a Physiology lecture course, Physiology lab and a separate Anatomy course.
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL 118 SURVEY OF PHYSIOLOGY & BIOl 119 ELEMENTARY PHYSIOLOGY LAB, NURS 301 GENERAL ANATOMY Most schools offer a 2-quarter sequence of Anatomy and Physiology. UW students take a Physiology lecture course, Physiology lab and a separate Anatomy course.
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH 120 PRECALCULUS  
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH 120 PRECALCULUS MATH 120 satisfies both MATH 1021 and 1022, confirmed by Math department
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS 114 GENERAL PHYSICS AND PHYS 117 GENERAL PHYSICS LABORATORY Lecture and Lab must both be completed to satisfy
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS 115 GENERAL PHYSICS AND PHYS 118 GENERAL PHYSICS LABORATORY Lecture and Lab must both be completed to satisfy
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM 142: GENERAL CHEMISTRY  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL 200: INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY Must take BIOL 200, BIOL 180 does NOT satisfy



Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL 251 INTRODUCTORY HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY ZOOL 251 satisfies as well, must take both courses
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL 315 GROSS AND MICROANATOMY BIOL 251 (or ZOOL 251) and BIOL 315 must both be taken to satisfy
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH 106 COLLEGE ALGEBRA, MATH 107 PRECALCULUS Either course satisfies
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH 108 TRIGONOMETRY  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYSICS 101 GENERAL PHYSICS PHYS 101 satisfies as well as long as there's a lab
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYSICS 102 GENERAL PHYSICS PHYS 102 satisfies as well as long as there's a lab
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM 105: PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY I  



Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL 232, 233, 234 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY  Must take all three courses to satisfy BIOL 2200 and 2210
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL 232, 233, 234 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY  Must take all three courses to satisfy BIOL 2200 and 2210
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH 105 PRECALCULUS I  
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH 106 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS 131 Introductory Physics I AND PHYS 161 MECHANICS LABORATORY  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS 133 Introductory PHYSICS II AND PHYS 163 Electronics Laboratory  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 Biology 171: Biology I Department determined this would satisfy



Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL 305 HUMAN ANAT & PHYS FOR HEALTH-RELATED MAJORS I  
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL 306: HUMAN ANAT & PHYS FOR HEALTH-RELATED MAJORS II  
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH 153 PRE-CALCULUS MATHEMATICS   
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH 154 PRE-CALCULUS MATHEMATICS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS 111 INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS I WITH LABORATORY  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS 112 INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS II WITH LABORATORY  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL 182: GENERAL BIOLOGY II  



Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL 348: HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY    
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL 348, BIOL 349: HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY  Must take both BIOL 348 and 349 to satisfy BIOL 2210
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH 114 PRECALCULUS I MATH 118 satisfies both MATH 114 and 115
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH 115 PRECALCULUS II  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS 114 PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS I  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS 115 PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICS II  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM 121: GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  



Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIO 2129: HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY   
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIO 2130:  HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY   
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MAT 1110 PRECALCULUS MAT 1110 satisfies both MATH 1021 and 1022
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MAT 1114 TRIGONOMETRY or MAT 1110  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHY 1101 GENERAL PHYSICS  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHY 1102 GENERAL PHYSICS  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHM 1211: GENERAL CHEMISTRY I  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIO 2101: GENERAL BIOLOGY  



Prerequisite SU Course College & Equivalent Course Notes
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab BIOL 2200 BIOL 241, 241L: HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I + LAB Must take both lecture and lab to satisfy
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOL 2210 BIOL 242, 242L: HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II + LAB Must take both lecture and lab to satisfy
Precalculus Algebra MATH 1021 MATH 147 PRECALCULUS MATH 147 satisfies both MATH 1021 and 1022 per department review
Precalculus: Trigonometry MATH 1022 MATH 147 PRECALCULUS  
Mechanics (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1050/1051 PHYS 101 GENERAL PHYSICS I AND PHYS 101L GENERAL PHYSICS I LAB  
Waves, Sound, Electricity and Magnetism (algebra-based) with Lab PHYS 1060/1061 PHYS 102 GEN PHYSICS II AND PHYS 102L GENERAL PHYSICS II LABORATORY  
General Chemistry I with Lab CHEM 1500/1501 CHEM 101: GENERAL CHEMISTRY AND CHEM 101L: GENERAL CHEMISTRY LAB  
General Biology I with Lab BIOL 1610/1611 BIOL 105 Information Flow in Biological Systems AND BIOL 105L Information Flow in Biological Systems Lab  


Get in Touch

We’re here to help. For information about Diagnostic Ultrasound at Seattle University, contact:

College of Nursing