Programming and Events

Engaged Scholarship Programming

Partnership for Advancing Community Engagement (PACE) Fellowship Program

Seattle University’s Center of Social Transformation and Leadership, in collaboration with Inclusive Data, proudly presents the 2024 Partnership for Advancing Community Engagement (PACE) Fellowship Program. This transformative initiative is designed to empower faculty and graduate students by integrating community engagement into their research and teaching. The 2024 cohort will specifically focus on advancing economic development and addressing racialized disparities within communities.

2024 SU PACE Fellows

  • Dr. Amanda Heffernan, College of Nursing
  • Dr. Andrea Holtan, Albers Business School – Marketing
  • Dr. Julius Moss, College of Arts & Sciences- Kinesiology

Engaged Scholars Lunch and Learns

Fall Dates Coming Soon

Advocacy and Civic Engagement Programming

Food Justice Summit

The Center for Social Transformation and Leadership and Wellness and Health Promotion Program host the Annual Seed Stories: Feeding our Future, Seattle University’s 2025 Food Justice Summit.

With 46 percent of SU’s undergraduate students facing food insecurity, it is imperative to educate the campus on food justice and challenges facing our students and the communities of which we are a part.

Join us as we challenge our campus community to engage critically and create radical solutions to solve our community problem.

* Official Event Schedule Release: Feb. 15

SU SDG Launch

Since 2016, SU has joined 1000+ universities and colleges that use the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS). STARS facilitates the assessment of our campus’s sustainability performance and our contribution to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals through operations, programs, actions and policies.

Seattle University’s aspiration to lead on sustainability and environmental justice was reinforced by the “Reigniting Our Strategic Directions (2022-2027)” foundational goal to institutional participation in Pope Francis’ Seven-year Journey toward Integral Ecology through the Laudato Si' Action Platform, putting concrete action behind the goals outlined by the Pope in his 2015 Encyclical.

SU SDG Launch is one of such programs that supports our Laudato Si’ Action Platform.

LSAP All Goals Wheel

Our 4th Annual United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals training to our campus will be held in Fall 2024. This program educates students about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and gives them the skills and training necessary to mobilize action. The program focuses on empowering both undergraduate and graduate students to be changemakers by educating them about the UN Sustainable Development Goals and giving them the skills and tools to mobilize around them. Once you complete this interactive program, students will receive a certificate and badge to add to their resume and professional development journey!

* Official Event Schedule Release: September 1

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